Haryana has two Rajya Sabha vacancies and the ruling BJP's Birender Singh is sure to get one. The party has promised its extra votes to Chandra
The fight for Rajya Sabha seats from Haryana got interesting
The plain-speaking rice trader, who built a $3-billion empire out of a defunct family business, has been making moves that point to a future in politics
He may have resigned as the non-executive chairman in Zee Media Corporation Limited (ZMCL), but Subhash Chandra is far from done with life in media and entertainment. Having set up Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL) as well as ZMCL and handed over the reins to his successors in both cases, Chandra has now turned his focus to a new brand of infotainment channels under various divisions of the Essel Group.In September last year, Essel Group announced the launch of Living Foodz, the first among five health and wellness channels to be launched by it.Launched under the Living Entertainment brand, the channel will accompanied by four new channels to be launched over the next 18 months. Chandra has been actively involved in the health and living space internationally.The channel Z Living, which was also launched under the Essel Group, was launched earlier in the international markets as Veria and later re-branded as Z Living in 2014.Health and wellness forms a significant part of hi
Subhash Chandra has resigned from the post of Director and Non-Executive Chairman of Zee Media