Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Friday flagged off a special train to Ayodhya carrying activists of his party Shiv Sena amid fanfare, two days ahead of his own visit to the temple town in Uttar Pradesh. Sporting a traditional saffron shawl, Shinde, accompanied by his son, Kalyan Lok Sabha MP Srikant Shinde, Kalyan unit in-charge of the Shiv Sena Gopal Landge, local leaders and hundreds of party activists, showed the green flag to the train at Thane station around 4.40 pm amidst slogans of Jai Shri Ram. Shiv Sainiks travelling by the special train, which was well decorated with a 'Chalo Ayodhya' board mounted in the front, will welcome their leader when he lands in the town on Sunday. Amid blowing of trumpets and music bands playing, the CM walked the entire stretch of the platform No. 5 accompanied by hundreds of Shiv Sainiks carrying saffron flags with pictures of Lord Ram and the party's 'bow and arrow' poll symbol printed on them. They also displayed placards ...
Indian Railways on Tuesday announced 51 special trains to Kerala to cater to the extra rush of passengers during the upcoming Christmas-New Year season. In a statement, the Southern Railway announced 17 special train services to different places in Kerala for Christmas and New Year. "Apart from the special trains notified by Southern Railway, other zonal railways have notified a total of 34 services to Kerala -- 22 special trains by South Central Railway, eight special trains by South Western Railway and four special trains by East Coast Railway," it said. With this, a total of 51 special trains will be operated serving the state of Kerala during the Christmas/New Year season, the statement said. These special trains will be operated during the period from December 22, 2022 to January 2, 2023. Earlier in the day, Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor had criticised the Railway Ministry for not recognising the people's demand for more trains during the season and sought Railway Mini
According to SCR, Hyderabad-Kollam special trains will be operated every Monday on December 5, 12, 19 and 26 and January 2,9 and 16
Sometimes, your train, which has a confirmed reservation, gets cancelled by the Indian Railways for some reason
Major destinations throughout the country would be connected by 179 pairs of special trains on rail routes including Delhi-Patna, Delhi-Bhagalpur, Delhi-Muzaffarpur, and Delhi-Saharsa
Manufactured by French company, Alstom, these Coradia iLint trains only emit steam and condensed water and have a range of up to 1,000 km with a maximum speed of 140 kmph
Indian Railways canceled more than 100 trains on Monday. While 15 trains were partially terminated, 13 trains have been rescheduled and 3 trains have been diverted. Read this article to know more
In a notification on July 15, the Indian Railway Board issued the price chart of various meals that will be offered to the passengers travelling by the premium trains
Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd says 'no purpose' in building Kedarnath leg of Char Dham rail
The first train under the scheme carrying 1,000 elderly pilgrims will depart for Ayodhya on December 3
IRCTC has announced to run a number of Special Trains to clear extra rush of passengers during Christmas and New Year 2022.
The IRCTC has planned a series of Shri Ramayana Yatra Tours
Over 10 crore litres of milk has so far been transported by 'Doodh Duronto' special trains from Renigunta of Andhra Pradesh to the national capital, the Railway Ministry said.
In view of shortage of containers in Rajasthan amidst the pandemic, a special train carrying 180 shipping containers from Mundra port in Gujarat will arrive here on Saturday. This is for the first time that double-stack container train is arriving in Jaipur for the Inland Container Depot of Rajasthan Small Industries Corporation Limited (RAJSICO), an official said. The train has been flagged off from Mundra on Thursday and shall arrive on destination by Saturday. The train will be carrying empty containers for timely assistance for the local export-related businesses. The disruption caused by the COVID pandemic has resulted in a shortage of shipment containers in Rajasthan. This has directly affected the exports. The double-stack train will help address the shortage issue. "Rajsico is working towards assisting small industries in the state with exports and with the commencement of the double stack train the process shall gain further momentum," Rajesh Sharma, managing director, ...
Out of the 736 special trains currently in operation, 327 have passengers in the waiting list, the Railways said Monday
The Railways on Tuesday announced that it will operate 392 festival special trains between October 20 and November 30 in view of the upcoming festive season.
The South Central Railway announced that it will operate eight more special trains connecting various destinations in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
After announcing five special trains the day before, the Central Railway (CR) on Thursday announced another eight trains connecting various cities in Maharashtra
The East Coast Railway started four special trains on Saturday and Sunday for the candidates appearing in National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) to be held on September 13
Occupancy in trains originating from Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal for journeys towards Karnataka and Telangana maintained an average occupancy of around 30 per cent