Meeting comes amid a thaw in relations between Catalonia and Spain's central government
Rajoy pledged to plough on with economic policies deeply unpopular with the opposition which blames austerity measures taken in his first term for rising inequality
Vote will draw a line under two inconclusive elections and fruitless attempts at coalition-building between bickering parties
This region of 7.5 million people makes up 16 per cent of Spain's population and accounts for almost 19 per cent of national GDP
Train belonged to a Portuguese company
The election has once again left the eurozone's fourth-largest economy at risk of another lengthy political stalemate
Socialist Party leader Pedro Sanchez's failed investiture attempt prompted the new elections on June 26
Acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's conservative Popular Party coming first again, with 27.7-31%, still way short of a parliamentary majority
No political party had enough support to form a government and all parties failed to reach coalition agreements by midnight yesterday
The December elections upended the two-party system in a country which has never had a coalition government
Ciudad Real, a symbol of the country's financial excess in the boom years, had been sold off for $62 million
According to authorities, the passengers included Spaniards and foreign nationals from around 20 countries