Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday allocated nearly Rs 12,544 crore to the Department of Space as India plans a human spaceflight - Gaganyaan - next year and sets out to explore the moon and neighbouring planets. The allocation is about 8 per cent lower than the Budget Estimate of Rs 13,700 crore for 2022-23, which was slashed to Rs 10,530.04 crore in the Revised Estimate. The largest chunk of the allocation -- to the tune of Rs 11,669.41 crore -- has gone to central sector schemes or projects such as the human spaceflight centre and various institutions of the department that deal with launch vehicle and satellite projects, including developmental and operational initiatives. Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-Space), the government's single-window body to deal with the private sector, received Rs 95 crore allocation against Rs 21 crore in the Revised Estimate. A large portion of the allocation, Rs 53 crore, has been earmarked for capital ..
According to the ISRO, to encourage participation of private sector, a suitable mechanism will be worked out for promotion and hand holding, sharing of technology and expertise
As India becomes more and more self-reliant in the dual use of space, young startups like Kawa Space now have an opportunity to collaborate with the nation
In launch vehicles, Isro expects to fly its first small rocket with a carrying capacity of 500-700 kg in the next few months
Many Indian Space Research Organisation employees are leaving the comfort of a paycheck and launching their own startups