Maharashtra Chief Minister and Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray will attend the meeting of opposition leaders called by Congress president Sonia Gandhi on August 20, his party said on Friday. Thackeray will attend the meeting through video link, Sena leader Sanjay Raut told PTI. Congress is part of the Sena-led ruling coalition in Maharashtra along with the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). The NCP's chief spokesperson Nawab Malik said he didn't know whether the Sharad Pawar-led party had been invited or if it was going to attend the meeting.
The West Bengal Chief Minister termed the meeting as positive, saying that the results will be seen in the coming days.
With the appointment of Navjot Sidhu as the head of the Punjab Congress, Punjab CM Captain Amarinder Singh is, without doubt, down. But whether he is out remains to be seen, writes Aditi Phadnis
In supporting Mr Sidhu in Punjab, the Congress has created more confusion over what it stands for
Congress president Sonia Gandhi has reconstituted the party's parliament groups for both houses for effective functioning of party. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury stay as leader of the party
Ahead of the Parliament's Monsoon session, Congress interim President Sonia Gandhi will be chairing a meeting with the party's Lok Sabha Members of Parliament (MPs) on Sunday.
Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has written to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, expressing reservation over Navjot Singh Sidhu's possible appointment as the state party chief
Amid continued infighting in the Punjab Congress, former minister Navjot Singh Sidhu on Friday met party chief Sonia Gandhi at her residence here.
Amid speculation of Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu likely to be named the Chief of Punjab Pradesh will meet the party's interim President Sonia Gandhi at her residence in Delhi today
After meeting Cong chief amid feud with Navjot Singh Sidhu, Punjab CM says don't know anything about Sidhu, discussed govt, political issues
If the internal dilemmas and confusions of the Gandhi family are not resolved, the Congress could well see departures from its ranks after the 2024 general elections to ideologically close parties
From 1991 onwards, the RBI became a full, if slightly junior, partner of the finance ministry, instead of being a 'mere subordinate department of the financial ministry'
Gandhi called upon party leaders and workers to continue to put pressure on the union government to ensure that the daily rate of vaccination rises
While the move is not without its internal political contradictions, "much more than Narendra Modi, it is the Congress that needs to worry", said a former Congress chief minister
Congress president Sonia Gandhi has convened a meeting of the party's general secretaries and state in-charges on June 24
Congress president Sonia Gandhi asked the government to come clean on the Galwan Valley incident and sought to know the progress made in restoring status quo ante at the border.
Around this time the party was to hold elections to the post of party president. Amid Covid-19, the exercise was cancelled indefinitely after the CWC put its seal of approval on the cancellation
The grand old party must stop the accelerating rot
A three-member panel was set up to end factionalism in Punjab Congress
The meeting of the three-member Congress panel comprising Mallikarjun Kharge, Harish Rawat and JP Aggarwal, constituted after factionalism surfaced in Punjab Congress, will be held on Thursday