A virtuous cycle can be created in areas like climate change where supportive policy can help cut cost of carbon reduction technologies
India has 23 Gw of installed capacity in solar power at present
The tender for setting up solar cell and module manufacturing plant in India on "build own operate" basis was issued in May 2018
Under the guidelines laid out by Central Electricity Authority, thermal plants that have completed 25 years will either wind up or switch to less polluting, super-critical technologies
You can recover your money in four or five years and then enjoy free power. Besides, you will be doing your bit for the environment
The solar industry had calculated that this duty imposition would lead to an escalation of 50-60 paise in the final solar tariff
Odisha recently cleared a plan by NEEPCO to invest Rs 9.44 billion to set up a 200-Mw solar power plant
The move comes just within a month of SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son meeting officials from the PM's Office
SoftBank and GCL's new venture will eventually have a capacity of 4Gw and will be implemented in two 2Gw phases
India's dependence on thermal power would end by 2050, says Ajay Mathur
The top state for solar installations was Telangana, followed by Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Rajasthan
Energy Efficiency Services (EESL), the joint venture under the power ministry to unlock and expand the market in this regard, has after programmes in LED and e-vehicles, branched out to the clean energy sector.It has procured indigenously made solar power panels at 30 cents/kwh capacity (Rs 20.63/kwh), cheaper than the current rate of good quality Chinese panels. It has procured 300 Mw of disaggregated solar power modules for use in multiple applications.It is procuring the panels from Adani Green Energy at the said bid, and from Bharat Heavy Electricals, Tata Power Solar and Central Electronics which agreed to meet the price. The company (it is a joint venture of a number of state-owned companies in the energy sector) said two programmes where these panels would be used have been standardised. One is for solar rooftops; it has agreed with the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) to set up solar rooftops in the latter's area for up to 20 Mw. The other is with Maharashtra State ...
By 2021, the state has set a target to generate 5000 MW, including the 1500 MW for which MoUs were signed.
Uncertainty over GST, utilities renegotiating to get better rates pose challenge for future addition
In 2010-12 nearly 80% of projects tendered were in the DCR category; in 2013-14 it was just 50%
India set a target of having 100 GW of solar energy and 60 Gw of wind power capacities by 2022
Firms offer as little as Rs 2.62/unit, lower than average price of coal-based power
With solar power bidding rates touched a new low of Rs 2.44 a unit this week, sector experts say there will be a problem for equipment makers. "The current bids are not viable if one was to consider the true cost of manufacturing, even for Chinese import. These bids are also forward looking, with an expectation that solar panel prices globally will fall further," said Santosh Kamath, partner at consultancy KPMG India.Over 80 per cent of India's solar equipment requirements are met through import and Vimal Kejriwal, managing director at KEC International (into power transmission engineering), expects this to continue. "Modules will predominantly remain a market dominated by Chinese suppliers, unless there is major growth in the indigenous wafer and cell manufacturing industry. Structures and trackers are largely sourced from Indian players today and likely to remain that way. The balance systems equipment will be dominated by multinational companies, with last-mile assembling and/or ...
Investors' focus is primarily on solar power generation, funding large-scale solar parks
The solar-powered harvester can work in conditions as low as 20 per cent humidity