Bengaluru-based realty firm Sobha Ltd on Friday reported a 36 per cent growth in its sales bookings to Rs 1,424.7 crore for the quarter ended December 2022 on strong revival in demand. In a regulatory filing, Sobha Ltd informed that its sales bookings stood at Rs 1,047.5 crore in the year-ago period. Sobha Ltd achieved highest-ever quarterly sales bookings in the December quarter in terms of both volume and value. The average price realisation improved to Rs 9,650 per square feet, up 21.9 per cent from the corresponding quarter of last year. Achieved highest-ever quarterly sales volume of 1.47 million square feet, with an increase of 11.6 per cent compared to the previous year. During April-December period of this fiscal, Sobha Ltd's sales bookings rose to Rs 3,734.4 crore from Rs 2,760.6 crore a year ago. In the first nine months of this fiscal, the company achieved total sale of 4.17 million square feet, an increase of 16.9 per cent over the preceding year. The average price .
The company posted a revenue of Rs 819 crore in the quarter, up 59 per cent on a year on year basis
Realty firm Sobha Ltd on Monday reported record sales bookings of Rs 3,137 crore during the last fiscal year despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
Its ability to reduce debt is crucial for further gains
Debt reduction over past two quarters is also positive
Achieved record sales in FY18; expects to maintain growth on launches