Skoda Auto India on Friday reported an over two-fold increase in sales at 3,027 units in September 2021, riding on its newly launched SUV Kushaq. The company had sold 1,312 units in the same month last year, Skoda Auto India said in a statement. While Kushaq has fueled the growth for the brand in India, other models such as Superb, Octavia and Rapid have also contributed to the increase in sales volumes, it added. The company had launched the midsize SUV Kushaq in June this year priced between Rs 10.5 lakh and Rs 17.6 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The model crossed the 10,000 bookings milestone in September 2021, it said. Commenting on the sales performance, Skoda Auto India Brand Director Zac Hollis said, "Skoda Auto India has managed to consolidate and move forward in September, despite the headwinds that the industry is facing in terms of some key components." He further said, "we are confident of building our momentum, as we approach the festive season, and look forward to delive
Octavia 2021 punches above its weight
The firm announced its plans to set up 30 'compact workshops' pan-India by this year for providing periodic maintenance and servicing requirements to its customers in the domestic market
For those who want to get into sportier driving, the high-end variants come with paddle-shifters for quicker shifting of gears
Skoda Auto India on Wednesday reported a nearly four-fold jump in sales at 3,829 units in August 2021. The company had sold 1,003 units in the same month last year, Skoda Auto India said in a statement. While the newly launched SUV Kushaq has fueled the growth for the brand in India, other models such as Superb, Octavia and Rapid have also contributed to the increase in sales volumes, it added. Commenting on the sales performance, Skoda Auto India Brand Director Zac Hollis said, "Our August sales have grown significantly and reflect the increasing popularity of the Skoda brand in India. This market is important for the global growth ambitions of the brand and we have a detailed strategy to strengthen our presence here." He further said, "Along with our focused product strategy, we have taken several measures towards building a strong bond with our customers and improving the overall brand experience." The company said with the roll out of its 'India 2.0' strategy, which began with
i-mobilothon offers an inclusive, agile and multi-disciplinary collaborative environment for code developers to leverage skills in building prototypes that drive real business impact at scale
Skoda Auto is confident of crossing its historic peak sales volumes in India achieved nearly a decade ago by the middle of next year
Skoda Auto India on Monday said it has commenced production of its upcoming SUV KUSHAQ, the deliveries of which will commence in July. The model, which is the first production car as part of the company's India 2.0 project, is being rolled out from the Skoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt Ltd (SAVWIPL) plant in Chakan, Pune. Based on the MQB-A0-IN platform, a variant of the modular MQB-A0 platform, the KUSHAQ is specially adapted by Skoda for the Indian market, the company said in a statement. The model was unveiled in March this year and the company is yet to announce its prices but it is slated to take on the likes of Hyundai Creta and Kia Seltos, which are priced between Rs 9.95 lakh and Rs 17.7 lakh, in the fastest growing mid-sized SUV segment in the domestic market. Skoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt Ltd, Managing Director Gurpratap Boparai said the production roll out of the first car under the India 2.0 project stands testament to a great collaboration between teams of the Skoda Au
Skoda is looking to launch multiple products, expand its sales network and enhance local content in its cars as it aims to carve out viable business for itself in the highly competitive Indian market
The used car market in India has been growing at more than 1.5 times that of new cars
Skoda Auto India on Wednesday announced its foray into the used car market with the launch of its 'Certified Pre-Owned' programme
Skoda Auto India on Thursday reported a 7 per cent increase in retail sales at 1,328 units in September
The Czech auto manufacturer said in statement that under the purview of its 'INDIA 2.0' project, it will have at least twice as many sales and service touchpoints by 2022, as compared to now
Skoda Auto India has integrated its over 80 plus dealership touchpoints pan-India
Maruti Suzuki India, Mahindra, Tata Motors, Toyota Kirloskar Motor, and Renault India have already stated they would pull the plug on smaller diesel variants
The company had sold 17,000 cars in 2018, Skoda Auto India Private Limited director (sales, service and marketing) Zac Hollis said
Says the changing market conditions and various external economic factors are driving this price impact