Asia's biggest automobile show drew to a close on Wednesday, bringing curtains down on a six-day extravaganza. Though less than last year on overall number of participants, it was one of the biggest in terms of partaking by entrants. Beating the slowdown blues that have sapped buyer sentiment and hit sales for 18 months, a total of 608,526 people visited the show at the Great Noida Expo Mart from February 7 to 12, said the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (Siam). With a peek into the future of mobility via 'green' technologies, more safety and other important elements, the exposition had 352 product displays from 108 exhibitors. This included eight global premiers and around 70 launches and unveilings. It also comprised introduction of 35 electric vehicles (EVs) and 15 concepts. Several manufacturers did gave the show a miss but those who participated believed in it as a platform to rekindle interest in a slowing market. Meet Sanket Gupta, a Bengaluru-based information ...
It remains to be seen if the ongoing Auto Expo - the extravaganza where automakers display their new products and technologies - will be able to reverse the trend
SIAM said it will be collecting information and data from its members in the next couple of days to understand if there could be disruptions, and to what extent, if there are any
Motorcycle sales last month declined by 15.17% to 871,886 units from 1,027,766 units a year earlier
Siam prez said though there was no virus threat at the Expo, organisers were taking measures to spread awareness
The six-day event, one of the most prominent on the global motor show calendar, is taking place against the backdrop of the decade's worst and most prolonged slowdown.
The industry however lauded the government's initiative to increase customs duty on imported electric vehicles
Adequate precautions being taken at venue, say organisers
Seeking a turnaround in fortune, the auto industry has been seeking government support and reduce the burden of transition to BS-VI with lower GST rate
During the six-day-long event, automakers have planned 10 global launches, 26 India specific launches, six concept vehicles, seven facelifts and 21 vehicle unveilings (just displays)
Another Chinese player which will be also present for the first time is MG Motors which will bring in their entire range of automobiles in the Expo.
Overall wholesale of vehicles during the year across categories, including passenger vehicles, two-wheelers and commercial vehicles, saw a decline of 13.77 per cent in 2019 at 2,30,73,438 units
Suzuki Motorcycle India Pvt Ltd (SMIPL) has overtaken Hero MotoCorp to be the third largest scooter maker by sales in the first half (H1) of the current fiscal, according to a latest data by auto industry body SIAM. Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI) continues to be the undisputed leader in the segment followed distantly by Chennai-based TVS Motor Company. In April-September this fiscal, SMIPL sold a total of 3,41,928 units of scooters as compared to Hero MotoCorp's 2,49,365 units, as per Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) data. During the comparable period a year ago, SMIPL had sold 2,91,847 units as compared to Hero MotoCorp's 3,91,019 units. In terms of growth, SMIPL saw its scooter sales grow by 17.16 per cent in April-September this fiscal -- the only scooter maker among top the top five manufacturers to post positive numbers. Hero MotoCorp, on the other hand, witnessed a decline of 36.23 per cent in the same period. The total scooter market had declined
The government incentives to buy vehicles and steps taken to address liquidity crunch, economic growth and infrastructure spending would boost the auto industry's prospects
These additional incentives apart from the subsidy offered by the central government would definitely encourage more people to switch to clean mobility, they said
While car sales in India are stuttering, the market is expected to become the world's third biggest by 2026, behind China and the US
Slowdown-hit auto industry is looking forward to the upcoming Auto Expo in February 2020 as the 'launching pad for revival' despite some big regular companies skipping the biennial motor show, SIAM said Friday. Industry body Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) said that over 60 new launches and unveilings of vehicles are expected at the expo to be held from February 5-12, where China's Great Wall Motor Company and First Automotive Works (FAW) will make their debut along with MG Motors India. Notable absentees from the expo will be Honda, Toyota, Ford, BMW, Audi, Lexus, Volvo and Jaguar Land Rover along two-wheeler majors Hero MotoCorp, Bajaj Auto and TVS Motor Co. Holding the flag up for the industry are the likes of Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, M&M, Tata Motors and Kia along with Skoda and Volkswagen brands, which are making a comeback after skipping the 2018 edition. "Auto Expo 2020 will be the launching pad for the revival of the auto industry, we feel," SIAM President
In CV segment, the company is "not actively" going to switch to BS-VI before April 1, 2020, he added.
Data collated by the Delhi-based IFTRT shows that close to 50,000 commercial vehicles have been seized and are parked in the stockyards
Domestic passenger vehicle sales fell 0.84 per cent year-on-year (YoY) to 264,000 units in November, according to the data released by industry body Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers