Bata India on Thursday reported a 71.82 per cent rise in consolidated net profit at Rs 119.37 crore for the first quarter of FY23 as the shoemaker achieved the "highest ever quarterly sales". The company had posted a net profit of Rs 69.47 crore in the April-June quarter a year ago, Bata India Ltd said in a BSE filing. Its revenue from operations during the quarter under review was at Rs 943.01 crore, up over three-fold from Rs 267.04 crore in the pandemic-hit corresponding quarter of FY22. "A direct outcome of the continued focus on key thrust areas of franchise & MBO expansion, consumer relevant communication, portfolio casualisation and digital footprint expansion was reflected in the quarterly sales reaching a lifetime high," Bata India said its earnings statement. This was supported by a continuous increase in portfolio and marketing investments. Moreover, footfalls across retail outlets saw a significant growth besides sales through digital channels, it added. Bata India's .
Khadim at present has expanded to 799 retail outlets and has a network of 575 distributors
Small firms, which employ about 110 million Indians and account for 45% of manufacturing, were hit the hardest
Campus Activewear plans to expand its distribution network and deepen its footprints in western and southern regions
How did Puma India manage strong top line growth in 2021 despite it being a challenging year?
Japanese performance sportswear firm ASICS plans to add 18 stores to its sales network in 2022 expanding its footprints in India further
Satanism is not a theme Nike could be seen to be associated with in any which way
Book review of Shoemaker: The untold story of the British family firm that became a global brand
A lower price point has been a major driver of success for these brands
Indian males are opting for stylised brogues and heels, while double monk and loafers are making inroads into the formal footwear range dominated thus far by closed-lace Oxfords and Derbys
The shoe ticks all the boxes: exciting design, responsive midsole, and a robust build ideal for not only running, but also the gym
Runners who wear Nike's fastest shoes may have a 4 to 5% advantage over others during races
We don't want one to grow at the cost of the other, PUMA India MD tells Shubhomoy Sikdar
Designed for the excruciating summer heat, Breeze VH is a lightweight runner that comes with a host of coolness features - Lotto claims that the perforated surface of insole ensures greater coolness
It may not be the best pure running shoe around, but its remarkable efficiency makes it an excellent everyday option
From Oxfords to Derbys, here is the guide to different men's shoes which may help you tell the difference
The latest 'dad sneaker' by Adidas perfectly fuses retro elements with a brilliant futuristic design, says Dhruv Munjal
The Gel-Kayano 26 is a modern running pair with comfort at its core, writes Veer Arjun Singh
According to industry sources, shoe companies are contemplating increasing prices
All shoes felt comfortable with socks and without