A reform proposed by the Sebi offers another chance for a transaction to succeed instead of having a guillotine kill a deal because the price is unacceptably high
Number of resolutions floated by companies up 5% to 12,219 this year
Minority shareholders have defeated at least 66 resolutions in the last three years. This has coincided with the new Companies Act and corresponding changes brought in by regulators that have empowered the shareholders. Other convenience measures such as e-voting have also helped. While the number of rejected resolutions was high in 2014 at over 30, it has stabilized around a dozen defeated resolutions, every year, according to numbers collated by proxy advisory firm Institutional Investor Advisory Services (IiAS). "This is largely attributable to recent changes in the governance framework in India which have empowered shareholders by providing them a greater say on critical corporate matters. Regulators are also mandating investors to vote," IiAS said in a report. Further, with the advent of E-Voting, not only has it become easier to vote, but the way voted are counted has also changed to the actual number of shares voted, rather than the show of hands - this results in more ...
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