Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut, arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in a money-laundering case, will be produced before a special court here on Thursday. Raut's ED custody granted by the court on Monday, ends on Thursday. The central agency had arrested Raut on Sunday midnight in connection with alleged financial irregularities in the redevelopment of Patra 'Chawl' (old row tenement) in suburban Goregaon and related financial property transactions involving his wife and alleged associates. The ED had produced Raut before the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court judge MG Deshpande on Monday and sought his remand for eight days. But the court sent the Sena leader to the agency's custody till August 4. The agency had told the court on Monday that Raut and his family received "proceeds of crime" worth over Rs one crore generated out of alleged irregularities in the housing redevelopment project. The 60-year-old Rajya Sabha member is a close aide of Shiv Sena presiden
The Shiv Sena on Tuesday slammed the BJP over the arrest of Sanjay Raut by the ED, saying such targeting of the Opposition did not happen even during Emergency imposed by the then PM Indira Gandhi.
While ED's special counsel sought 8 days custody, Raut's lawyeR opposed it on various grounds including the health problems of his client who was a cardiac patient
The National Institute of Virology in Pune on Monday confirmed the death of a 22-year-old man from Punnayur in Thrissur district of Kerala as the first case of monkeypox death in India.
Slamming the BJP over the arrest of Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut, party chief Uddhav Thackeray on Monday said he is proud of him as he did not succumb to any pressure. Talking to reporters here, Thackeray termed Raut, arrested by the ED in a money laundering cases, as a hardcore Shiv Sainik of Sena founder late Bal Thackeray. I am proud of Sanjay Raut. What crime has he committed? He is a journalist, a Shiv Sainik, is fearless and speaks what he does not approve of, Thackeray said. The former Maharashtra chief minister targeted BJP for what he called vendetta politics.
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Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Monday met with family members of party leader Sanjay Raut, who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in a money laundering case, in suburban Mumbai
ED officials on Monday took Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut to a government hospital for check up, after which he will be produced in a special court here
The arrest of Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut by the ED is an attempt to divert the anger brewing against Maharashtra Governor B S Koshyari's remarks on Mumbai, party leader Arvind Sawant claimed on Monday
Unlike the CBI, the ED has policing powers without the accountability imposed on the regular police
The Reserve Bank of India's MPC is likely to announce a repo rate hike of 35-50 basis points in its policy statement on August 5, a Business Standard poll showed
An FIR has been registered against Sanjay Raut in Mumbai for allegedly threatening Swapna Patkar, wife of Sujit Patkar who is a close aide of the Shiv Sena leader
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut in a money laundering case linked to alleged irregularities in the redevelopment of a Mumbai 'chawl', officials said
Raut claimed he was being framed based on 'false evidence' but won't bow down and quit the party, shortly before being herded into the south Mumbai office of the ED
Talking to reporters in Aurangabad, Shinde said, "Raut has declared that he has not done anything wrong. If that is so, why fear a probe? Let it happen. Why fear if you are innocent?"
He said will die, but will neither surrender nor quit the Shiv Sena.
'ED guests are at Sanjay Raut's house. He may get arrested. What conspiracy is this? Shiv Sena gives strength to Hindus and Marathi people and hence there is a conspiracy to finish the party,' he said
Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut said, "The rebel group should stop saying that they switched sides because Shiv Sena gave up Hindutva. Why malign Hindutva unnecessarily?"
Congress spokesman Sachin Sawant said ED conducting a search at Raut's residence in Mumbai depicts a "sorry picture" of democracy and alleged that the BJP wants to "silence" all the Opposition parties
At 7 am on Sunday, ED officials, accompanied by CRPF personnel, reached Raut's 'Maitri' bungalow located in suburban Bhandup in Mumbai, and began the search