The Rs 1,64,000 price tag may look hefty, but overall the Samsung Galaxy Fold seems quite robust for a device with one-of-its-kind bendable screen
Rather than a polished device for the masses, the Fold seems to be a showcase for Samsung's vision of the future of mobile computing
Consumers can log onto Samsung's official online store at 12 pm on October 11 to pre-book the Galaxy Fold
The Galaxy Fold pre-orders could be done on Samsung online store, Samsung shop, and select retail outlets, including the Samsung Opera House in Bengaluru
The Galaxy Fold is a new category of smartphones with a 7.3-inch dymanic AMOLED foldable screen
The world's largest smartphone maker spent nearly eight years developing the Galaxy Fold, but had to hold its launch in April after reviewers reported screen problems within days of use
The South Korean smartphone giant is working on a device with a 6.7-inch inner display that shrinks to a pocketable square when it's folded inward like a clamshell
Samsung Galaxy Fold finally ready for launch, to hit markets in Sept