The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has received property tax of Rs 55.37 crore under a one-time amnesty scheme launched in October 2022, officials said. The Strengthening and Augmentation of Municipal Revenue for Infrastructure Development in Delhi (SAMRIDDHI) scheme came into effect on October 26 and it will end on March 31, 2023, with no further extension. Under this scheme, property owners of authorised and regularised colonies can settle all property tax related liabilities by paying property tax of the residential properties for the current year and previous five years. For commercial properties, owners can pay the principal amount of the last six years and get a waiver on the previous dues, including penalty and interest, the MCD had earlier said. So far 29,954 citizens have taken advantage of this scheme, and have settled their property tax related cases, out of which four cases were those which were pending in courts. Property tax of Rs 55.37 crore has been received till ..
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