Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL&FS) Tuesday said it has recovered Rs 33.28 crore through the sale of various vehicles, including luxury cars, and moveable fixed assets. The identification of these assets started in December 2018 and auctions were conducted in various phases, the group said. It had identified a total of 38 luxury vehicles within the group, which had a purchase price value of Rs 25 lakh and above, a release said. Of these, 34 vehicles were sold and two were surrendered to the leasing company, it said. "The sale (of luxury vehicles) was conducted via public auction and an amount of Rs 7.33 crore was realized," IL&FS said. Two luxury vehicles continue to remain within the group due to loans created on them and could not be sold. The group said 20 other vehicles (cars, two-wheelers, and project vehicles) of various makes were also identified and sold for Rs 65.33 lakh, with the amount duly realised. It also recovered Rs 25.30 crore through auction
The company had posted a Rs 60.45 crore loss in the corresponding period a year ago and its revenue from operations stood at Rs 101.97 crore.
The company had posted a net profit of Rs 341.30 crore in the April-June quarter a year ago, Dabur India said in a BSE filing.
Homegrown FMCG major Emami Ltd reported a nearly two-fold jump in consolidated profit after tax to Rs 77.79 crore in first quarter driven by robust sales amid disruptions due to Covid second wave.
Robust export sales, higher investment in electric vehicles are positives
Steep commodity inflation impacted margins; while staff benefit expenses remained stable, total expenses grew 14% as other operating expenses surged too
Weak volumes, commodity costs weigh on margins
While residential portfolio is strong, commercial assets may take time to recover
Aditya Birla group firm UltraTech Cement Ltd reported over two-fold jump in its consolidated net profit to Rs 1,700 crore in first quarter, helped by volume growth, increased operational efficiencies.
Mi India on Thursday announced that it registered sales worth Rs 1,000 crore across categories during the Mi 7th anniversary sale from July 12-July 16 in the country.
Anglo-Dutch FMCG major Unilever on Thursday said the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent restrictions in India impacted its sales in the country.
(Reuters) - Johnson & Johnson on Wednesday forecast just $2.5 billion in 2021 sales of its COVID-19 vaccine, which has fallen way behind rival shots from Pfizer and Moderna as the company deals with vaccine production issues and safety concerns.
Improving product mix to boost realisations; while sales growth was impacted in the June quarter, there has been a recovery led by non-metro markets
Imports of outdoor sports equipment, handbags for women, and dentures, among others, plummeted
Cadila Healthcare on Thursday said its wholly-owned subsidiary Zydus Animal Health and Investment has completed sale of its animal healthcare established markets
The railways' earnings from platform tickets took a severe hit in FY 21 with revenue from sale dipping by about 94 per cent as compared to the previous year due to coronavirus crisis, a RTI has found
The head of sales at HMSI says with Covid-19 cases declining, good monsoon and bumper harvest, the sector might recover soon
Margin expansion, debt reduction and higher premium segment sales may offer some support to the stock
(Reuters) - Procter & Gamble Co raised its full-year sales forecast on Tuesday as the consumer products giant benefited from a surge in demand for Bounty paper towels, Tide detergent and other cleaning supplies due to the COVID-19 pandemic.