The Sebi said SBI Caps will auction three properties on Dec 28, while HDFC Realty will auction two properties on Dec 27
Sahara, Sebi counsels to work out details as differences emerge over dues
Parole for Roy extended to October 24, to pay Rs 200 crore
The apex court asks Sahara Group to come clean by disclosing its sources
Subrata Roy has been directly charged in the case pertaining to non-refund of nearly Rs 20,000 crores to investors
The total refunds made aggregate of Rs 55.72 cr, including principal amount of about Rs 31.7 cr and interest of over Rs 24.01 cr
In a statement the group said, the proposal is an attempt to ruin the market and disturb existing bidders
Properties on sale are other than those entrusted to the Sebi
Property sold via HDFC Realty for Rs 58 cr; 60 properties on sale via e-auction
Sebi said SBI Caps will auction eight properties, while HDFC Realty would conduct an e-auction for remaining eight
Sebi is preparing to auction nearly 60 land parcels of Sahara group out of which dates have been fixed for July so far for 26 properties
It has set a reserve price of Rs 1,898 crore for these properties
The auction would be conducted by SBI Capital Markets and HDFC Realty
Sebi roped in HDFC Realty and SBI Cap after being asked by the Supreme Court to initiate the process of selling Sahara properties
HDFC Realty has been asked to auction a total of 31 land parcels at Rs 2,400 crore
House may consider a Bill in July that would replace weak rules for credit co-operatives operating in more than one state
The sale is to generate the bail money for the release of Sahara Group chief Subrata Roy, who has been in jail since March 4, 2014
SBI Capital Markets and HDFC Realty will soon take up a nationwide e-auction process to sell properties belonging to the Sahara group
Earlier this month, Sebi's lawyer Arvind Datar had said that selling properties of Sahara group will be a 'herculean task'
Mechanism to be developed to directly sell 86 properties in India, worth Rs 20,000 crore