The firm said the downward GDP revisions mostly reflected the overall worsening pandemic for many emerging markets
Experts say comfortable capital levels, strong market position positive for both
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the pace of credit rating downgrades has accelerated with average monthly downgrades increasing by 22 per cent in the past few months, ICRA said in a report
There are questions over SoftBank's intention to adhere to "financial soundness and creditworthiness", S&P said
Here's a selection of Business Standard opinion pieces of the day.
Now all three rating agencies, Moody's, Fitch and S&P have the lowest investment grade rating for India
S&P is more sanguine about the prospects given the strong fundamentals which can help to withstand the Covid-19 impact
The rating agency said growth will rebound to 8.5 per cent in 2021-22
India may have its debt downgraded in the event of a major economic slowdown, S&P Global Ratings said
S&P's reiteration of India's rating and outlook is good news for the government as it fights multiple fires on the economic front
The outlook revision reflects view that Tata Steel will deleverage slower than earlier expectations as the outlook for steel prices weakened materially over the last three quarters
Glenmark's capex for the first quarter of fiscal 2020 was Rs 190 crore, in line with its guidance
India today pitched for ratings upgrade with S&P as the US-based agency discussed macro economic situation with the Finance Ministry here against the backdrop of depreciating rupee and widening current account deficit (CAD), according to an official. Rising oil prices, their impact on government finances and increasing GST collections figured in the discussions between the Finance Ministry officials, led by Economic Affairs Secretary Subhash Chandra Garg, and representatives of the global credit ratings firm. We have asked S&P for a rating upgrade citing macro economic stability of the country, the official said. The officials explained to S&P that debt-to-GDP ratio is a long term consideration and should not be immediate concern for rating upgrade, he said. Credit rating agencies have been raising red flag over high debt to GDP ratio of India. Currently, the ratio stands at around 68.5 per cent. The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) committee headed by ...
This comes even as Moody's, which upgraded India's long-term sovereign rating in November last year
The Indian banking sector has been classified under 'Group 5' along with countries such as Italy, Spain, Ireland, the UAE and South Africa by rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) on the basis of their economy and industry risk criteria, the American analysts said on Wednesday.
S&P's position, taking cognizance of the still vulnerable fiscal scenario, appears more realistic than Moody's optimism.
S&P's rating remains at BBB-, one notch above junk and a notch below what Moody's Investors Service upgraded India to recently
S&P Ratings Director Ravi Bhatia says although there are some short-term implementation issues, over time, GST should help widen the tax net and increase govt revenues
New Delhi, 24 NovemberThe government, after Standard & Poor's affirmation of India's sovereign rating and outlook, said the rating agency was more cautious in its assessment than Moody's but agreed that fiscal consolidation was a concern in financial year 2017-18.On Friday, S&P reiterated its BBB- rating and 'stable' outlook for India. Also,d that despite two quarters of weaker than expected growth, the economy was forecast to grow robustly in 2018-2020 and foreign exchange reserves to continue rising. Also, that sizable fiscal deficits, a high net general government debt burden and low per capita income detracted from the credit profile."They (S&P) have the same two concerns Moody's had -- fiscal deficit and low per capita growth. So, my sense is that S&P chose to play a little cautious this year, though their assessment is also almost in line with Moody's and possibly is waiting for some time to upgrade," economic affairs secretary Subhash Garg told reporters after ..