The Retailers Association of India (RAI) said signs of marginal recovery were observed in July as compared to June in its fortnightly business survey but local lockdowns are hampering recovery potenti
The Retailers Association of India said the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) move to permit a one-time restructuring of loans will support the retail industry
While restaurateurs and gym owners are enthusiastic about the relaxations introduced under unlock 3, retailers expect little respite
While restaurateurs and gym owners are enthusiastic, retailers expect little respite
RAI makes representation to states, local authorities seeking resumption of normal business hours
Cost cutting efforts unlikely to offset sharp revenue fall
Right from product demonstration to enabling purchase - everything is being managed these days through "virtual personalisation"
RAI said there has been no significant growth in business for retailers even during the second half of June
Several retailers, which earlier started selling essential items - like food and grocery only - via online and app-based channels, have now started offering several items in general merchandise
After lockdown guidelines were relaxed in early June, most states permitted malls and high street retailers to reopen after a gap of more than 70 days
More than 250 malls were operational on Monday across the country. This is a fraction of the 650 plus large malls in India.
Planning for a post-lockdown world, retailers have realised that competiton will be high and customer needs will shift.
Malls will reopen on June 8 in most parts of the country barring Mumbai, where the state government has decided against it for now.
At the heart of the matter are revenue-share rental agreements that retailers are mooting over fixed-rent contracts that they say are unsustainable
Companies say low-unit packs as well as lesser-known brands seeing greater traction during lockdown
The Facebook chief executive officer announced a handful of updates Tuesday signaling the company's commitment to online shopping and commerce
The retail industry, which contributes around 40 per cent to India's consumption and 10 per cent to India's gross domestic product, is severely stressed
Gadkari also assured the retailers of looking into their demands of financial aid from the government
If the retail sector is supported with a package, it would have a positive ripple effect on the manufacturing sector and the supply chain, said RAI CEO Rajagopalan
Privileging physical retail over e-commerce is risky