Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) on Monday said it has commenced deliveries of the new Range Rover in the country. The model comes with a line-up of six and eight-cylinder powertrains, priced between Rs 2.38 crore and Rs 3.43 crore (ex-showroom). The new Range Rover comes with 3 litre petrol and diesel engines, respectively. The model also features a bigger 4.4 litre petrol powertrain. "The New Range Rover is the epitome of exclusivity and modern luxury, that strikes the perfect balance of peerless refinement with technological sophistication. It is truly, the most desirable vehicle meant for the most discerning of customers," JLR President and Managing Director Rohit Suri said in a statement. The new Range Rover comes with five seats in both Standard (SWB) and Long Wheelbase (LWB) body designs and an option of a third row for extended comfort for up to seven adults in the LWB, the automaker stated. JLR vehicles are available in India in 21 cities through 25 authorised outlets.
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) on Thursday said it has commenced bookings for new Range Rover SV in India with a choice of design themes, details and materials.
Jaguar Land Rover on Wednesday said it has commenced bookings for the all-new Range Rover in the country
Scindia's 'non-AC' Range Rover shows how a unique brand of hypocritical - and self-destructive - socio-populism is our national ideology. Reason why Hindu Rate of Growth is India's destiny
The Range Rover Sport isn't the vehicle to take for a spot of vegetable shopping
Jaguar Land Rover, owned by Indian conglomerate Tata Group, had accused Jiangling of a 'copy-and-paste' job after the Landwind was unveiled in 2014
Adjusted for forex changes, operating profit margins came in line with estimates