Quantum computing will be at the centre of growth and expansion in India's 'techade' and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision is to create a India-centric tech ecosystem with partners and players around the world, minister of state for electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar said on Monday. While virtually inaugurating a two-day symposium on the Quantum Computing Ecosystem held at C-DAC in Pune, the minister spoke about the disruptive role of quantum computing and pointed out that it is going to be the next big idea that will disrupt technology in general and computing in particular, according to an official statement. "It is PM Shri Narendra Modi's vision to create an India centric quantum tech ecosystem with partners and players around the world. We are working together to build an ecosystem of innovation, along with startups, R&D laboratories, and higher education institutions. Quantum computing will be at the core of the growth and expansion in India's techade," Chandrasekhar
Chandrasekhar said the work-from-home systems being adopted by several firms across the globe may have a negative impact on the industry in the short-term
Interview with R Chandrashekhar, President, Nasscom
Software product taxation continues to be plagued by dual levies of VAT and service tax and high cumulative cash outflow due to TDS at 10%