Election strategist-turned-politician, Prashant Kishor, on Thursday said prohibition in Bihar has been a complete failure but Chief Minister Nitish Kumar "does not want to accept this reality. While addressing a gathering, as a part of his 'Jan Suraaj' campaign, in Hajipur in Vaishali district on Monday, Kishor, said, The enforcement of liquor ban has totally failed in Bihar. Despite Bihar being a dry state, those who want can easily get liquor here. Therefore, prohibition in the Bihar has been a complete failure. However the Bihar chief minister "does not want to accept this reality, he added. While targeting the Bihar government, the election strategist on Thursday ran a poll on Twitter questioning the effective implementation of liquor prohibition in the state. Kishor asked respondents to give a 'yes' or 'no' answer to his poser - prohibition of liquor in Bihar has completely failed." Social media users started giving their opinion on this poll. The state government had on Apr
RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav claimed that the proposed amendment in Bihar's prohibition law could be flagrantly misused for settling personal scores.
He also rubbished suggestions that an exception be made on medical grounds for certified alcoholics, asserting that people spoiled their health by drinking and not by being prevented from doing so
Nitish Kumar bristled at questions being raised against his highly touted alcohol prohibition drive
LJP president Chirag Paswan attacked CM questioning the success of prohibition in Bihar as he cited a case in which a ward councillor, reportedly in an inebriated state, abused him and his father
After reducing retail outlets by 20% to 3,500 for the new excise year starting October 2019, state govt last week issued orders to cut down on the number of bars by 40% after new bar licenses are issu
Minister of State for Home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said the Centre can help states but no plans for a national level prohibition
CM states that prohibition leads to socio-legal problems and large-scale loss of lives
State after state has imposed it, and has had to retreat, unable to address the financial and administrative fallout. Are we set for more of this cycle?
Administrative action cannot remedy a social ill
Policy carries upto capital punishment to those manufacturing or trading illicit liquor