India successfully carried out a test launch of tactical ballistic missile Prithvi-II from a test range off the Odisha coast on Tuesday. The defence ministry said the missile struck its target with "high accuracy". "A successful training launch of a short-range ballistic missile, Prithvi-II, was carried out on January 10 from the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur off the coast of Odisha," it said. "A well-established system, Prithvi-II missile has been an integral part of India's nuclear deterrence. The missile struck its target with high accuracy," the ministry said in a statement. It said the "user training launch" successfully validated all operational and technical parameters of the missile. The Prithvi-II missile has a range of around 350 kilometres.
The missile is a proven system and is capable of striking targets with a very high degree of precision: Defence ministry
India on Friday successfully conducted a night trial of the indigenously developed nuclear-capable Prithvi-2 missile as part of a user trial by the Army from a test range in Odisha
India conducted a successful night testfire of its indigenously developed nuclear-capable surface-to-surface Prithvi-II missile as part of a user trial by the Army from a base in Odisha
The trial of the missile, which has a strike range of 350 km, was carried out from a mobile launcher from launch complex-3 of the ITR between 7 pm to 7.15 pm
The missile has already been inducted into the armed forces
Prithvi-II has strike range of 350 km, is capable of carrying 500 kg to 1,000 kg of warheads