Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday announced a Rs 4,692-crore outlay for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for 2023-24 as against Rs 4,182 crore in the revised estimates for the last fiscal. The allocation to the government's autonomous body, Prasar Bharati, has been increased to Rs 2,808.36 crore from Rs 2,764.51 crore allotted to it in the last fiscal. Sitharaman has allocated Rs 600 crore to the Broadcasting and Infrastructure Network Development scheme, which seeks to augment the broadcasting infrastructure, particularly in remote areas. The Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) in Pune, an autonomous body under the ministry, has received Rs 64.75 crore in the budget as against Rs 68.53 crore in the revised estimates last fiscal. The Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) in Kolkata has received Rs 95.13 crore in the budget as against Rs 60.1 crore in the previous fiscal. The National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) has ..
Prasar Bharati is "evaluating" the possibility of coming up with an OTT platform months after it signed an agreement with YuppTV to expand the global reach of Doordarshan's DD India channel, a senior official said on Friday. "That is something we are working upon, evaluating," the Prasar Bharati official said during an informal interaction with reporters while replying to a question when will the broadcaster come up with an over-the-top (OTT) platform. Prasar Bharati had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with YuppTV, an OTT platform, in March last year to make DD India available in various countries including the US, the UK, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, besides Europe and the Middle East. With the Union Cabinet earlier this week approving a scheme worth more than Rs 2,500 crore for modernization, upgrade and expansion of All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan (DD), Prasar Bharati is ready with plans to achieve the objectives. With the implementation of the Broadcas
In a bid to upgrade Prasar Bharati's broadcast infrastructure and network, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Wednesday approved a scheme worth more than Rs 2,500 crore for Doordarshan and All India Radio. Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur announced the Central Sector Broadcasting Infrastructure and Network Development (BIND)' scheme with an outlay of Rs 2,539.61 crore up to 2025-26, which was approved by the CCEA. "The BIND scheme is the vehicle for providing financial support to Prasar Bharati for expenses related to expansion and upgradation of its broadcasting infrastructure, content development and civil work related to the organization," the I&B Ministry said in a statement. "Prasar Bharati, as the public broadcaster of the country, is the most important vehicle of information, education, entertainment and engagement for the people especially in the remote areas of the country through Doordarshan and All India Radio (AIR). "Prasar Bharati ..
Prasar Bharati Additional Director General Sunil has been unanimously elected as the Vice President of the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU). Sunil has been elected for a three year term. Prasar Bharati had hosted the 59th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings in New Delhi last month. The ABU is a non-profit, professional association of broadcasters from Asia and Pacific regions. Its General Assembly was attended by over 400 representatives of broadcasting organisations from more than 57 countries.
The Delhi High Court on Friday rejected a petition by Amazon Seller Services Pvt Ltd against the alleged dilution of its exclusive media rights to broadcast the ongoing cricket series between India and New Zealand. Dismissed, said Justice Yashwant Varma who was hearing Amazon's challenge to a TDSAT order which, the petitioner claimed, allowed all private cable and DTH operators to re-transmit the sports content shared by it with Prasar Bharati. The detailed copy of the order is awaited. The petition said, following a plea by a private DTH operator, the Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) erringly expanded the scope of the contractual rights granted by the petitioner to Prasar Bharati with respect to broadcasting the cricket series on its channel DD Sports. The plea asserted the rights granted by the petitioner to Prasar Bharati were restricted for retransmission only on Prasar Bharati's DTH platform namely DD Free Dish, and this limited transmission cannot b
Senior IAS officer Gaurav Dwivedi was on Monday appointed the Chief Executive Officer of public broadcaster Prasar Bharati. A 1995-batch officer of Chhattisgarh cadre, Dwivedi will have a five-year tenure from the date he assumes charge. Earlier, Dwivedi was the Chief Executive Officer of MyGovIndia, the citizen engagement platform of the government. Shashi Shekhar Vempati was the CEO of Prasar Bharati from 2017 to 2022. After Vempati completed his five-year tenure, Director General of Doordarshan Mayank Agrawal was given the additional charge of CEO Prasar Bharati in June this year.
The Centre has issued an advisory asking Union ministries, state governments and union territory administrations not to enter into any broadcasting or distribution of broadcasting activities directly. In the advisory, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting asked those broadcasting their content to route it through Prasar Bharati. It also asked entities distributing the broadcasting content to "extract themselves" from it by December 31, 2023. The advisory is likely to impact Kalvi TV, an educational channel launched by the Tamil Nadu government which is available on some DTH platforms, and IPTV, launched by the Andhra Pradesh government. "No Ministry/Department of the Central Government and State/UT Governments and entities related to them shall enter into broadcasting/distribution of broadcasting activities in future," said the advisory issued on Friday. "ln case Ministries of Central Government, State/UT Government and entities related to them are already broadcasting their
Content for DD Kids will come from broadcaster's library and partnerships with animation studios and production houses: sources
The MoU aims at exchange of programmes, exploring co-production of programmes and training and exchange of personnel
The announcement came shortly after the Indian government decided that its envoy will not attend the opening or closing ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics
Former chief executive of Prasar Bharati and TMC leader Jawhar Sircar on Wednesday took oath as a member of Rajya Sabha. He was elected unopposed to the Upper House of Parliament earlier this week. Sircar took oath in Bengali and was greeted by thumping of desk by fellow MPs. He signed the members' register and then greeted Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu with folded hands. Naidu too responded to his greetings. Sircar also greeted other leaders in the House. He was elected to Rajya Sabha on a seat left vacant after TMC MP Dinesh Trivedi joined the BJP before the recent West Bengal assembly elections. Sircar, who was nominated to the Upper House by TMC, spent nearly 42 years in public service and is known as a vocal critic of the BJP government at the Centre.
Prasar Bharati has invited expression of interest towards consultancy service for providing a detailed project report on establishment of an international channel
The UK has BBC World, France has France 24 and TV5 Monde Asie, Germany has DW TV, China has multilingual global CCTV, CGTN and CNC World, Russia has Russia Today in English and Spanish, Japan has NHK-
Digital channels of Prasar Bharati have registered more than 100 per cent growth in 2020, with Pakistan being the second highest digital audience for Doordarshan (DD) and All India Radio (AIR)
Prasar Bharati has ended its subscription of news agency Press Trust of India and will now invite fresh proposals from other domestic news agencies, sources said
In a highly-anticipated event, PM Modi on Wednesday laid the foundation of the Ram temple in Ayodhya
Urban Affairs Ministry's department warns PTI may have to pay an additional 10 per cent interest if it fails to furnish the amount within deadline.
A crucial pillar of the Indian republic should not be weakened
Sources say a "strong letter" is being sent to PTI just ahead of its Board meeting on Saturday where the public broadcaster expressed "deep displeasure on anti national reporting by PTI"
Ramayan's four episodes a day format was based on the assumption of a 15-day lockdown