Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Tuesday told the Assembly that despite infusing Rs 350 crore of funds, the state's oldest cement company MCCL could not be revived forcing the government to look for private investors to run it in a PPP mode. The Mawmluh Cherra Cement Ltd (MCCL) is the oldest public sector undertaking unit and is the only state-owned cement plant set up in the early 1960s (then undivided Assam) in limestone rich Sohra but has lately suffered making it a loss-making enterprise. "Since 2006 till date, Rs 350 crore has been infused into the Mawmluh Cherra Cement Limited and in the last five years alone Rs 100 crore has been infused, mostly to pay salaries and other dues," the CM said during Question Hour. "With so much investment, we are not able to revive it. For the government to continue investing in it may not be possible," he said, adding that the PPP mode is what the government is eyeing presently. Stating that the government is pushed to "look at ...
The Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee has cleared 79 projects with a total project cost of Rs 227,268.1 crore from FY15 to FY23, noted the latest Economic Survey
The protests are expected to cast shadow on the completion of the first phase of the project in December 2023
RIL emerged as the winning bidder for the public-private-partnership (PPP) project, with its own investment pegged at Rs 783 crore
Funding under IIPDF Scheme is in addition to Viability Gap Funding Scheme notified in December 2020
The stations are Anand Vihar in Delhi, Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh, Thane and Mumbai Central in Maharashtra
According to officials, the state government will provide at least 10 acres on a 30-year lease at a concessional rate of 50 per cent
With the container terminal, the Centre intends to make Kandla Port competitive against its private peers, which have been growing at a rapid pace, especially since the pandemic
Authority plans to slash developer upfront payment, reduce timeline for financial closure
The minister recently announced that the NHAI InvIT will soon be open to retail investors, and will assure them a minimum return of 7-8 per cent.
Sources also indicated that the current policy was causing a lot of leasable Railways land to go idle, notwithstanding the potential for terminal operations
The establishment of an ethanol plant will generate direct and indirect employment opportunities in the region and boost economic prosperity in the region.
With the government aiming to channel private capital to monetise brownfield operating assets, PPP may well be set to see a revival
Marina facilities, which will be set up at Byndoor, Mangalore and Malpe coastal areas, would be a place for leisure, tourism and business development activities in lines of Singapore, he said.
Signs public private partnership deal with CSIR-CECRI to run an advanced Lithium-ion cell manufacturing unit in Chennai; plans to invest $3 billion over next five years
The decision assumes significance as MoR has been lagging behind in achieving its targets under the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) of the Centre, during the last fiscal year
Manoj Sinha said work on the framework is ongoing, private players are encouraged to share their inputs
Under this, prominent players and regular bidders in government tenders would not need to go through repeated clearances under normal circumstances.
Public-private partnership, or PPP, is back in the reckoning with numerous new projects from ropeways to logistics parks being offered under this format
The move will provide level playing field to PPP concessionaires at major ports and help them compete with private ports