The rising number of coronavirus cases in Delhi has necessitated an urgent need to increase hospital beds and isolation facilities
The slump in power demand in the first week of the June was recorded at 19.7 per cent. However, the decline so far is still higher than 8.8 per cent recorded in May.
Barring a few, all privately-owned thermal power units, roughly about 40,000 Mw, constructed over the past decade were built using Chinese equipment.
Power Grid, as a CTU, is responsible for the wheeling of power generatedby power producers and involved in planning transmission systems and operations.
In April, Tata Power received $110 Million from sale of its stake in South African joint venture Cennergi, which is to be utilised to repay loans in the June Quarter
The peak power demand met in May stood at 166.42 GW (recorded on May 26), which was 8.82 per cent less than 182.55 GW in the same month a year earlier
Weekly economic indicators show a rise in economic activity in days leading up government announcing easing coronavirus lockdown
Real time electricity market enables consumers, including distribution companies (discoms) and captive users, to buy power on exchanges just an hour before delivery
The minister informed the commission that the old schemes of the ministry are being amalgamated into a new scheme for which he requested Rs 3 trillion over five years.
During the review, policy initiatives including revised tariff policy and the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 to redress the problems afflicting the power sector were also discussed
While state government guarantee offers comfort, operational inefficiency may continue to impact debt servicing ability of electricity distributors, say experts; the two stocks are down 10-13 per cent
In February, JSW Energy said it would acquire GMR's Kamalanga power project (1,050 Mw) in Odisha for Rs 5,321 crore.
The privatisation of distribution in Union Territories is a positive move by the government, says Prashant Jain, joint MD & CEO of JSW Energy
At best, the scheme can be viewed as a one-time measure, while the larger problem of insolvency of discoms remains
Clouding the valuation will be dues to generation firms and a possible CAG audit
Rs 6-trn stimulus includes Rs 3 trn of collateral-free loans; Rs 30,000-crore special liquidity scheme for NBFCs, HFCs, MFIs
PFC, REC to extend one-time loans with riders
Wednesday's package also addressed some concerns in power and real estate
Besides, the power sales volume at 4,052 million units (MU) last month was down 6.6 per cent as compared to the year-ago period, an IEX statement said.
In the earlier two rounds held over the last two years, around 9,389 megawatt (MW) of power capacity bid for the coal under the SHAKTI scheme