German sports Luxury car maker Porsche on Friday said its delivery of cars in India increased 64 per cent in 2022 to 779 units against 474 units in 2021. The massive surge in sales was driven by a strong interest among the buyers for its SUVs and sports cars, with a 69 per cent growth in the sales of SUV models, Porsche India said in a statement. The premium carmaker said the sales include 78 units of its all-new electric Tycan (launched in December 2021) in the 12-month period. Manolito Vujicic, Brand Director, Porsche India, said the strong result shows the upward trajectory that started in 2021 was maintained through 2022. "It has been a strong year for Porsche India with a 69 per cent growth in the sales of our SUV models, highlighted by our top-selling model, the Cayenne, ending the year with 399 retail units," said Vujicic. During the previous year, he said, Porsche India set up three new dealerships in Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata besides introducing the approved programm
Luxury car maker Porsche India on Wednesday reported about 37 per cent rise in its sales to 193 units for the third quarter of 2022. The company had retailed a total of 141 cars in the third quarter of 2021, according to Porsche India. Retail sales of 193 units during the third quarter helped Porsche India reach 571 deliveries so far in 2022, surpassing the previous best full-year total of 534 units delivered in 2013, it said in a statement. On a consolidated basis, it has delivered 71 per cent growth in its car sales in the first nine months -- January-September -- of the current year, it added. Porsche India, which is a part of the Skoda Auto Volkswagen India Pvt Ltd (SAVWIPL), had retailed a total of 378 cars in the domestic market in the first half of this year. "By stimulating the market with Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur (programme) showcases through our dealerships, we have generated a buzz that will help carry the momentum into the fourth quarter and next year," said Manoli
Luxury carmaker Porsche India on Monday reported an over two-fold jump in sales at 378 units in the first half of 2022
The Porsche Approved programme is now available across India with a comprehensive warranty on pre-owned cars for a minimum of 12 months
The company expects this sales momentum to continue in 2022 amid a strong order bank and further expansion of its product range
Porsche India also recorded the highest number of Macan SUVs sold in a quarter since 2015
Porsche turned to green financing ahead of the debut of the $100,000-plus Taycan, its first battery-powered car
Globally, the company sells pre-owned cars under its Porsche Approved brand