The ruling BJP received Rs 614.53 crore as contributions, more than six times the funds garnered by the opposition Congress during fiscal year 2021-22. The Congress received funds to the tune of Rs 95.46 crore, according to Election Commission data. The Trinamool Congress, which is in power in West Bengal, received Rs 43 lakh as contributions during the period while the CPI-M, which is in government in Kerala, received funds of Rs 10.05 crore. The West Bengal assembly polls were held in March-April, 2021. In Kerala too, assembly election were conducted in April, 2021. The four national parties had recently filed their latest contributions reports to the Election Commission which made the documents public on Tuesday. The Representation of the People Act stipulates that parties submit an annual report of contributions of over Rs 20,000 received from individual donors and entities. Besides individuals and entities, electoral trusts also contribute to parties' kitty. Electoral trus
It doesn't bear thinking about. But Nitish Kumar may have managed the impossible feat of bringing the two together
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The Election Commission of India (ECI) had requested recommendations from the ICAI to bring uniformity in the accounting and auditing practices of political parties
The irony of the government legalising illegal foreign funding of political parties also lies in the enormous crackdown on foreign funds and aids received by NGOs
According to the scheme, no person should make a cash donation of over Rs 2000 to a political party
Accounts of political parties, including BJP and Congress, will need to be checked for traces of foreign funds
Said, 'Sooner the concept of shell companies collapses, the better it will be for the economy'