West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will launch a scheme for development of rural roads at Singur in Hooghly district on Tuesday. Under the 'Pathashree-Rastashree' scheme around 12,000 km of roads will be constructed or reconstructed in 29,475 villages of the state, a senior official of the Panchayat and Rural Development department said. Twenty two districts will benefit from this project as 8,767 roads have been approved under this scheme, he said. "New roads will be built and old ones will be completed within a specific time with the financial assistance of the state government. The CM will launch the scheme today from Singur," minister of state for panchayat, Becharam Manna told PTI. The official said that 1,548 roads will be upgraded under the scheme.
Data shows that only 41% could be completed during the stipulated period
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Guidelines under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) need more flexibility based on individual needs and circumstances of every state
The World Bank has supported PMGSY since its inception in 2004