Till December 14, 4.21 crore hospital admissions worth Rs 49,468.60 crore had been authorised under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pravin Pawar said on Tuesday. Launched in 2018, AB PM-JAY is the largest publicly funded health insurance scheme which provides a health cover of Rs 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalisation to 10.74 crore poor and vulnerable families. "As on December 14, under AB PM-JAY, 4.21 crore hospital admissions worth Rs 49,468.60 crore have been authorised, which contributes to directly reduce the out-of-pocket expenditure of the public," Pawar said in a written reply in Rajya Sabha. Under the National Health Mission (NHM), the flagship programme of the government, many steps have been taken towards supporting the state governments in providing accessible and affordable healthcare to people, he said. Financial and technical support is provided to states and union ...
Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways and Ayush, Sarbananda Sonowal visited the Government Ayurveda College in Jalukbari, Guwahati on Saturday
For Irdai Chairman Debasis Panda, LIC's fortune and reforms in health insurance sector will be the two most difficult tests to pass
The minister launched three initiatives - Adhikar Patra, Abhinandan Patra, and Ayushman Mitra
Move will further encourage private sector participation in the scheme
Three years since the Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana began, it is yet to meet one of its main objectives
New Delhi [India], Dec 11 (ANI): In order to provide better healthcare facilities, the National Health Authority (NHA) has adopted the Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs) for their claim at adjudication. These STGs have been framed by the Indian Council of Medical Research Institute (ICMR).For this, NHA and ICMR are continuously discussing the modalities and strategies to develop the adoption and implementation of STGs in the Aysuhman Bharat-Prime Minister Jan Arogya Yojna (AB-PMJAY), which is the biggest healthcare scheme in the world that provides a cover of Rs 5 lakh per family per year to around 50 crore poor and vulnerable individuals."So far, the ICMR has developed STGs for 30 treatment modalities like cataract, COPD, hysterectomy, hemodialysis, emergency management of ureteric stones, respiratory failure due to any cause, PTCA, systemic thrombolysis, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), low cardiac output IABP inspection post-operatively, asthma, epilepsy, stroke, D & C
Anil Swarup, who retired as Union HRD secretary earlier this year, explains the strengths of the programme and the biggest challenges it faces