Use a mix of equity funds, PPF, EPF and NPS; review and correct course periodically
It can act as hedge against high inflation or slowdown
Keep the cryptos required for trading in the former and the balance in the latter
Shorter-maturity bonds in these funds get reinvested at higher coupon rates
Since these cards have high interest charges, avoid using them when you wish to revolve credit
Discussing scope of work will enable the registered investment advisor to decide the right fee
To combat tighter underwriting standards, consult a distributor that could point you towards an insurer that covers people with your profile
Limit exposure to 5-15% of debt portfolio, avoid investing for very long tenures
Ensure you file your returns ahead of time, in case you need to make changes
With interest rates expected to rise, it may be prudent to avoid long-term options, say experts
After the recent run up in equity markets, it would be prudent to opt for a mix of equity and debt funds
Extend holding period so that you pay tax on long-term capital gains as it will reduce the outgo
If they have lost non-resident status because of enforced stay in India, this can bring them some reprieve
Investors with a compulsive need to participate in any ongoing action should do so by having a 'mad money' allocation-money they can afford to lose
Use equities to keep your wealth growing, fixed-income instruments and annuities to generate cash flow
The National Commission agreed with the State Commission's view that neither party had managed to prove that the price mentioned by them was the last market price
Only sophisticated investors should take this route; most retail investors should stick to the mutual fund route for international investing
Your portfolio needs a hedge against the risks of growth slowdown and inflation
Invest with at least a seven-year horizon, via SIP, and limit exposure to 15%
Do so once the glitches on the new tax portal have been ironed out