Capital markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday asked all investors to link their PAN with Aadhaar number by March-end for continual and smooth transactions in the securities market. The non-compliance with this would be considered non-KYC compliant, and there could be restrictions on securities and other transactions until the Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Aadhaar are linked, Sebi said in a statement. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) issued a circular in March 2022, whereby the PAN allotted to a person would become inoperative if it is not linked with Aadhaar by March 31, 2023, and would be liable to all the consequences under the Income-tax Act, 1961, for not furnishing, intimating or quoting the PAN. "Since PAN is the key identification number and part of KYC requirements for all transactions in the securities market, all Sebi registered entities and Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs) are required to ensure valid KYC for all participants. "All existing investors
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The provision will also ensure the mapping of PAN of an entity with multiple existing identifications. Accordingly, it will be notified under various central and state legislations
You should check tax residency certificates too: If it has the required details, submit it instead
PAN database has relevant information about companies, says commerce minister Piyush Goyal
Chartered accountants' group asks CBDT to do away with PAN requirement for filing form electronically
Goyal said another big advantage is for the small retailers who are very keen to engage with ecommerce
Plans to enter ten states from four currently, expand capacity 10-fold to 1,000 tonnes a day and make additions to product portfolio
Here is a quick step-by-step guide on how to file your income tax return (ITR) for the assessment year 2022-23
The tax department's initiatives would, in the normal course, have been welcomed by honest taxpayers, but implementation issues and the taxman's misaligned views are causing problems
India's big business groups owned by families continue to steal a march over their bigger rivals. More on this is our top headlines.
According to brokers and mutual fund transfer agents, millions of demat accounts as well as mutual fund (MF) folios are yet to link their PAN and Aadhaar
For those who do not have access to income tax portal, the linking process is made available through SMS also
At the time of incorporation, five can be appointed designated partners
The I-T Department hasn't made provision for allowing those ineligible for Aadhaar to mark their PANs, so the latter can be kept active after March 31
On Tuesday, many users took to social media to complain that their credit reports reflected loans taken by them from IVL Finance Ltd which later became Indiabulls Consumer Finance.
As per the proposed plan, up to 10 per cent of the LIC IPO issue size would be reserved for policyholders
Failing to comply with this, a person's Permanent Account Number (PAN) card will become inoperative, which means incomplete Know Your Customer (KYC) details.
It would have been more effective, they say, if the exemption in cash payment had been given without any caveats and for a longer period
India's corporate tax structure is now globally competitive! Rates of 25 and 15 per cent are completely acceptable to international investors