India's edible oil imports rose 12 per cent year-on-year in February to 10.98 lakh tonnes on higher imports of crude palm oil, according to industry body SEA. In a statement, the Solvent Extractors' Association of India (SEA) on Wednesday said that edible oil imports rose to 10,98,475 tonnes in February from 9,83,608 tonnes in the year-ago period. Imports of non-edible oil fell to 16,006 tonnes in February from 36,389 tonnes in the same month last year. Total imports of vegetable oils (edible oils and non-edible oils) went up 9 per cent to 11,14,481 tonnes in February this year from 10,19,997 tonnes a year ago. During November 2022 to February 2023 period, imports of edible oils rose to 58,44,765 tonnes from 45,91,220 tonnes in the corresponding period of the previous oil marketing year. Oil marketing year runs from November to October. Imports of non-edible oils fell to 43,135 tonnes in the first four months of 2022-23 oil year from 99,938 tonnes in the year-ago period. Total i
The increase in the tax on palm oil could lift local prices, making the tropical oil a little less competitive than rival soyoil and sunflower oil
Last week, Indonesia said it will suspend some palm oil export permits to secure domestic supply as cooking oil prices rise ahead of upcoming Islamic festival Ramadan
Imports of soyoil gained 10.1% to 252,525 tonnes while sunflower oil imports jumped 23% to 194,009 tonnes, a release said
India's palm oil imports in December jumped 94% from a year earlier to a record high for the month as palm oil's higher discount to rival vegetable oils led refiners to raise purchases
India imports more than two-thirds of its edible oil needs and has been struggling to contain a rally in local oil prices over the last few months
The duty cut made refined palm oil imports lucrative for Indian refiners, which traditionally prefer to import crude palm oil
India is the world's biggest importer of edible oils and silver and the second-biggest consumer of gold
Higher imports by India, the world's biggest palm oil buyer, would help top producer Indonesia cut its inventories and support benchmark Malaysian palm oil prices
The country's palm oil imports in the marketing year ended on Oct. 31 fell to 7.9 million tonnes
The government has also received petitions from the industry to raise the import tax to help prop up falling oilseed prices, says a source
With the hike, the new MSP of wheat will be Rs 2,125 per quintal as against RS 2,025 per quintal earlier
The September imports jumped 18% from a month ago to 1.17 million tonnes, the highest since last September, the Solvent Extractors' Association of India, a trade body based in Mumbai, said
Higher palm oil imports would lift India's total edible oil imports to 14.1 million tonnes in 2022/23 from 13.8 million tonnes, the survey showed
RBD palmolein now constitute 12% of total imports of edible oils against 2% last year
Indonesia's allowance of more exports globally and a reduction of palm oil prices in India have paved the way for a high palm oil import in 10 months
India, the world's leading vegetable oil buyer, imported 7,69,602 tonnes of palm oils in May 2021
India imported 514,022 tonnes of palm oil in May, down from 572,508 tonnes in April
India's palm oil exports in May were its highest in seven months as the country overcame curbs on Indonesian exports by sourcing more of the commodity from Malaysia, Thailand and Papua New Guinea
MUMBAI (Reuters) -India's palm oil imports could drop by nearly a fifth as now cheaper soyoil takes more market share, following Indonesia's curbs on palm oil exports and New Delhi allowing duty-free imports of soyoil, dealers said.