The country's second-largest paint maker Berger Paints said that despite the pandemic its capital expenditure for this fiscal remain unaffected and will be the same as last year. The major investment will be in its upcoming Sandila plant near Lucknow of around Rs 260 crore and the plant was expected to be operational from 2022 onwards, a company official said on Friday. The company was implementing a few strategies to narrow the gap with the market leader Asian Paints that commands about 50 per cent share in the paints industry. "Yes, we love to gain further market share and close the gap between us and Asian Paints, and that is our endeavour. We have taken a lot of measures," Abhijit Roy, MD & CEO, said while replying to shareholders' questions during the 96th AGM of Berger Paints. "They (Asian Paints) are about three times our size and we are about 18-20 per cent and are quite hopeful that some of our strategies might work," Roy told reporters. He said the company
Gains from expected business recovery and benign input costs already priced in Asian Paints and Berger Paints' scrips
Supportive macros and pricing power to help paint companies clock volume-led profitable growth, but buying on dips is advisable
Earnings upgrades apart it could lead to higher volumes of premium decorative paints
The company delivered strong April-June quarter (Q1FY20) results led by low double-digit domestic decorative paint volume growth and robust growth in subsidiary businesses.
Berger has an edge over peers, given better operating efficiency
Prices were last hiked in October, as companies like Asian Paints, Berger Paints, and Kansai Nerolac reel under high input costs.
Prices of key raw materials were elevated in Q2 on the back of high crude oil prices and a weak rupee against the dollar