Last season, the state could hardly achieve 3.5 MT of paddy procurement in the corresponding period
Iran is the largest buyer of Indian basmati and shipments had stood at nearly $1.5 billion in 2018-19
The huge stocks of paddy that the farmers had maintained for selling were reportedly damaged following heavy rains in the state the past three days
Congress govt in the state had been mounting pressure on Centre to allow procurement at a higher price
Rice has been sown on 50 million hectares as on August 23, about 23% lower than area covered during same period last year
In its outlook for kharif crop in 2019-20, Skymet said the rice production is expected to fall 12.4 per cent year-on-year to 88.66 million tonnes
The support price of paddy common variety has been raised to Rs. 1,470 per quintal
Sowing acreage has been higher and crop estimates more optimistic in the kharif season, according to the reports
Procurement, though, still miniscule as compared to total procurement from traditional sources