Timed just after the India debut of Disney+, which is slated for March-end on Hotstar, the move is aimed at increasing engagement and users, top officials at Zee5 said.
Pay-per-use model also popular; average plan of Rs 306 too expensive for most
The ubiquitous mobile phone has long replaced almost every other form of entertainment in the country and in the process, also steadily overhauled the way we get entertained
The OTT market is just discovering itself; it is the land grab phase. Monetisation will happen in a bit, says Nair
AI will play a very vital role in your smart TVs as it will enable the TV to become the hub of your home.
'YouTube is an economy by itself', said Raghavan
London-headquartered Mubi, popular in the US and Europe, is best known for its curated line-up of films in English and other languages
In January, OTT players had agreed to a 'code of best practices for online curated content providers'. The code was criticised for being very vague at the time
Last week, Apple did two things differently. First, it entered video streaming sector with cheaper options and second it has opened up its OTT service for non-Apple users too
The second of a three-part series analyses how the entertainment industry is skyrocketing with the demand for original content created by OTT players
How Netflix is planning to ensure a permanent place in the Indian viewers' share of wallet?
Original content is the next big bet to expand a modest base of paid subscribers
Telcos have got four special rights and privileges which are not available to OTTs
Trai, in its consultation paper, has pointed out unlike TSPs there is no regulation of OTT players
OTT players say their digital platforms will take the place of the second or third TV in a household
OTT is the delivery of audio, video and other media over the Internet, without the need of a cable subscription from a MSO