Actual borrowings and state-wise breakup will be intimated 2-3 days prior to auction day; RBI to try and ensure auctions are held in non-disruptive manner considering mkt conditions
Large borrowing states not coming to the market or drawing down less than indicated amounts
Permission granted on meeting of one-nation-one-ration card reform
India's debt to GDP ratio has increased from Rs 58.8 trillion (67.4 per cent of GDP) in the financial year 2011-12 (FY12) to Rs 146.9 trillion (72.2 per cent)
Seven state governments had lined up to borrow Rs 9,000 crore, but ended up borrowing Rs 12,000 crore from the markets because of the cheap rates.
The ministry said that the Centre has decided to permit states to raise open market borrowing on the basis of 50 per cent the Net Borrowing Ceiling fixed for the year 2020-21
The amount that the states have been given permission to raise through open market borrowings is a little more than Rs 3.2 trillion.
The central bank had planned to buy up to Rs 10,000 crore of 10-year bonds and sell up to Rs 10,000 crore of four short-term bonds
Till now, states were required to obtain quarterly consent from the Centre for raising OMBs