The Gujarat government on Tuesday announced a Rs 330-crore package for onion and potato cultivators for transportation and storage amid a drop in rates. State Agriculture Minister Raghavji Patel told the Assembly that Gujarat is likely to produce seven lakh tonne of red onions in 2023. "Marketing yards in the Saurashtra region are likely to receive 3.50 lakh tonne produce for sale, for which the government will provide an assistance of Rs 70 crore by providing an additional Rs 2 per kg for sale through Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC). Onion farmers will get an assistance of Rs 20 crore for transportation (of the produce) to other states and abroad," he said. The government has also decided to provide financial aid of Rs 240 crore to potato growers affected by a fall in prices due to high production, the minister said. This aid will be provided in the form of storage and transportation cost for the sale of potatoes in other states and outside the country. (Of the Rs 2
In the wake of a consistent drop in the onion prices, angry farmers stopped the auction of the key kitchen staple on Monday at Maharashtra's Lasalgaon Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC), Asia's biggest onion market. The price per kilogram of onion came down to Rs 2 to Rs 4, which angered the growers. A representative of the onion growers said the government should immediately declare a grant of Rs 1,500 per quintal of onions and purchase their produce at Rs 15 to Rs 20 per kg, or else they will not let the auction resume at the Lasalgaon APMC, located in Nashik district. As soon as the auction process began as the market opened for the week on Monday, onions fetched a minimum price of Rs 200 per quintal, the maximum rate of Rs 800 per quintal and an average price of Rs 400-450 per quintal. As a result, the angry farmers led by the Maharashtra Rajya Kanda Utpadak Sanghatana stopped the auction of onions and started an agitation. On Saturday 2,404 quintal onions arrived at
There is no ban on exports of onion and India has shipped the commodity worth USD 523.8 million during April-December 2022, the commerce ministry said on Sunday. It said that only the export of onion seed is restricted. "Government has not restricted or prohibited the export of onions," the ministry said in a statement. In December 2022, onion exports rose by about 50 per cent to USD 52.1 million. During April-December this fiscal, the exports rose by 16.3 per cent to USD 523.8 million. Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal in a tweet on Saturday stated that there is no ban on onion exports from India to any country and misleading statements suggesting the contrary is unfortunate. The statement came after a tweet by NCP leader Supriya Sule on February 25 on onion exports.
Farmers in Maharashtra's Nashik district have asked the Modi government to grant them permission to commit suicide as they have been facing difficulties due to the low prices of onions in the state
A farmer from Maharashtra's Solapur was in for a rude shock when he got to know that he has earned a profit of merely Rs 2.49 against the sale of his 512 kg onions to a trader in the district. The farmer, 63-year-old Rajendra Chavan who resides in Barshi tehsil of Solapur, said his onion yield fetched a price of Rs 1 per kg at the Solapur market yard and after all the deductions he received this paltry sum as his net profit last week. Talking to PTI, Chavan said, "I had sent 10 bags of onions weighing more than five quintals to an onion trader in Solapur for sale. But after deducting charges towards loading, transport, labour and others, I received a net profit of just Rs 2.49 from him." The rate the trader offered to me was Rs 100 per quintal. The overall weight of the crop was 512 kg and the total price he got for the produce was Rs 512, he said. "After deductions worth Rs 509.51 against labour, weighing, transportation and other charges, I received a net profit of Rs 2.49. This
Prices are soaring, fueling inflation and prompting countries to take action to secure supplies. Morocco and Turkey have halted some exports, as has Kazakhstan
The Philippines' agriculture department is planning to import 22,000 tons of onions to boost domestic supply as surging prices of the cooking ingredient push inflation to a 14-year high
The all-India average retail price of onion has witnessed a significant decline of 28 per cent compared to last year
The government will offload about 50,000 tonnes of onions from its buffer stocks to a few cities like Delhi and Guwahati, where retail prices are a little higher than the all-India average rates. To stabilise onion prices, the Centre is maintaining a buffer stock of 2.5 lakh tonnes of onion. Sources said that the department of consumer affairs will sell 50,000 tonnes of onions to cities like Delhi and Guwahati from its buffer stocks. There are many cities where prices are higher than the all-India average rates, they added. The all-India average prices of onions stood at Rs 26 per kg on Tuesday. As the shelf life of onions is less, the department has written to all states to place orders if they need onions, the sources said. The Centre is offering onions at around Rs 18 per kg. The department is also exploring how to improve the shelf life of onions through the radiation process, they added. Onion production in 2020-21 was 266.41 lakh tonnes and consumption was 160.50 lakh ...
Prices of onion remained substantially stable during 2021-22 due to effective market intervention through the Price Stabilisation Fund, the Ministry statement said
The Centre estimates onion production in the kharif season to be around 4.38 million tonnes
Buffer stocks are being released to cool down the prices further, Union Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey said
Onion prices are likely to remain firm during the current festive season before starting to moderate from mid-January when supplies rise from the new season crop
The onion prices are expected to remain at a higher trajectory during October-November, as erratic monsoon may lead to an eventual delay in harvest, according to a report by Crisil Research
Traders and market watchers say the price movement in Tomatoes, Onions and Potatoes will remain within range sans any unusual spikes
Exports of all varieties of onion will be allowed, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry said in a notification
Onion, which bore the brunt of rising inflation rate in recent months, saw deflation or fall in prices in November at 7.58%
Spurt in prices triggers move as norms for pulses are also eased
The skyrocketing onion prices in the retail market are likely to ease as imported bulbs have put a break, at least temporarily, on the rise in wholesale prices in Kolkata, officials said on Wednesday
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