Private equity player TPG Growth on Friday sold shares of e-commerce beauty company Nykaa for more than Rs 1,000 crore. As many as 5.42 crore shares of FSN E-Commerce Ventures, which runs Nykaa, were offloaded at a price of Rs 184.55 apiece through a block deal, as per data from the National Stock Exchange (NSE). The total value of the transaction is a little over Rs 1,000 crore, the data showed. These shares were acquired by various entities, including Societe Generale, HSBC Indian Equity Mother Fund and Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte, among others. The stock of Nykaa, which got listed last November, is in focus as the mandatory lock-in period for pre-offer investors came to an end on November 10. Shares of the company rose more than 3 per cent to close at Rs 192 apiece on the NSE on Friday.
CLOSING BELL: The S&P BSE Sensex ended with a marginal loss of 88 points, while the Nifty held the 18,300-level on Friday.
Stocks to watch today: Tata Motors bagged order for 1,000 buses from Haryana Roadways; ABFRL inked pact with Galeries Lafayette to open luxury department stores in India
Paytm shares go down 10 per cent after SoftBank pares holding; Delhivery, PolicyBazaar under pressure
American private equity firm TPG Capital is likely to sell shares of Nykaa worth Rs 1,000 crore through a block deal
Indian IPOs raised a record $18 billion in 2021 on government efforts to foster startups combined with easy-money policy and a surge in retail trading during the pandemic
30 million shares of FSN e-commerce Ventures, the parent company of the beauty products retailer Nykaa, were sold by the investor on November 10 as the lock-in period ended
At 09:15 am, around 30.62 million shares changed hands on the BSE, the exchange data showed
The biggest shareholders in One97 Communications Ltd., Paytm's parent company, are Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and its fintech affiliate Ant Group Co., as well as Japan's SoftBank Group Corp
FSN E-Commerce Ventures (Nykaa) issued a 5:1 bonus issue around the time the one-year lock-up for its pre-initial public offering (IPO) investors ended
Further gains in margins and growth acceleration in the fashion section are potential triggers
Shares of new-age tech companies like Nykaa, Paytm and Zomato have fallen up to 68% from their listing prices. As they struggle with profitability, should investors keep these stocks on radar?
Aberdeen Standard Asia Focus Plc (4.27 million), and Norges Bank on account of Government T Petroleum Fund (3.98 million) bought a combined 8.25 million shares via block deals on Thursday
Lighthouse India Fund and two individual investors Mala Gaonkar and Narotam Sekhsaria sold shares worth nearly Rs 500 in Nykaa
Till 10:02 am; a combined 57.35 million equity shares had changed hands on the NSE and BSE
Selling pressure from pre-IPO investors feared in four start-ups this month
The board of the company has fixed Friday, November 11, 2022 as the 'Record Date' for the purpose of determining the members eligible for bonus equity shares
Lock-ups end in November for four consumer-focused tech stocks, which have all slumped in the past month
Consensus target price for these stocks well above current market price
Nykaa has already expanded to 15 cities, not states. Ergo fulfilment costs are already down. Distance from warehouse to customer has therefore, shrunk