The stringent National Security Act has been invoked against Amritpal Singh, the Punjab government on Tuesday told the high court which rapped it over the intelligence failure that led to pro-Khalistan preacher giving police the slip. The Punjab and Haryana High Court was hearing the habeas corpus petition filed by advocate Imaan Singh Khara, seeking the release of Amritpal Singh from alleged police custody. Justice N S Shekhawat asked Punjab Advocate General Vinod Ghai how Amritpal Singh gave police the slip when the whole operation was meticulously planned, and called it an intelligence failure, a lawyer said. Police on Saturday had launched a major crackdown against Amritpal Singh and members of his outfit 'Waris Punjab De.' The elusive preacher himself, however, gave the police a slip and escaped their dragnet when his cavalcade was intercepted in Jalandhar district. In his petition, Khara sought the production of Amritpal Singh from alleged police custody. Khara is the legal .
National Security Advisor Ajit Doval has met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during which they exchanged views on a wide range of global and regional issues and discussed deepening the bilateral strategic partnership. Blinken, who has just arrived from a trip to the Middle East, including Israel and Egypt, met Doval on Wednesday. The United States is expanding cooperation with India to address global challenges, Blinken said in a tweet after the meeting. "I had a good meeting with Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval today to discuss deepening our strategic partnership, Blinken tweeted. Both sides exchanged views on a wide range of global and regional issues of mutual interest and how to further strengthen the #India- US Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership, the Indian Embassy here said in a tweet. Doval is leading a high-powered delegation to the US. He also met his American counterpart Jake Sullivan on Tuesday. During their meeting, India and the United State
National Security Advisor Ajit Doval will hold crucial talks with the top US leadership including his counterpart Jake Sullivan on the first high-level dialogue on Initiative for Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET). Officials, academicians and industry experts believe the talks could be the next big milestone in the India-US relationship after the India-US nuclear deal. Doval will arrive here on Monday for the talks. Officials on both sides remained tightlipped on the details of the ambitious iCET meeting, the deliverables of which are expected to be announced after the conclusion of the meetings of the two sides at the White House on January 31. Both sides expect that the dialogue would lay the foundation for developing a trusted partner ecosystem between the corporate sectors, so that the two countries with public-partner partnership, driven by a culture of startups, can successfully address the challenges posed by authoritarian regimes in the domain of technology and ...
Canada's top cybersecurity chief has warned Canadians to exercise caution when using apps that could leave their data in the wrong hands
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said Indian security agencies have succeeded in establishing their supremacy and no one can ignore the country any more in any field nor stop any one from moving forward. Addressing the inaugural session of a three-day conference of the DGPs and IGPs here, he said India is now definitely safe, strong and on a good footing under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The PMO in a release said Prime Minister Modi will attend the All India Conference of Director Generals and Inspector Generals of Police being held at the National Agricultural Science Complex. "Since 2014, the prime minister has taken a keen interest in the DGP conference. Unlike the symbolic presence of prime ministers earlier, he sits through all major sessions of the conference," it said. The prime minister not only listens patiently to all the inputs, but also encourages free and informal discussions so that new ideas can come up, the release of the Prime Minister's
The United States and Japan plan to boost military and security cooperation as their top national security officials hold talks on Wednesday. The U.S. and Japanese foreign and defense ministers are set to agree to adjust the American troop presence on the island of Okinawa. And, as they prepared to meet, Japan's defense ministry announced it was ready to start construction on an uninhabited island where the two militaries will hold joint military exercises. The two nations are revising their joint defense posture as they confront rising threats from North Korea and increasing aggressiveness from China. Wednesday's discussions will be followed by a meeting on Friday between President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at which they will underscore the importance of the relationship. Fishida, on a weeklong trip to visit allies in Europe and North America, signed a defense agreement with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Wednesday that strengthens military ties ..
China represents America's most consequential geopolitical challenge to US, said National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan as the Biden administration released a key policy document on national security
Since 2013, Edward Snowden has been living in Russia to escape prosecution in the US after leaking secret files related to the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the CIA
Delhi Declaration inadvertently highlights geopolitical weaknesses
Cites 'scheduling issues'; NSAs of central Asian countries confirm participation in Nov 10 regional security dialogue
A total of 501 people were detained in different parts of the country under the stringent law in 2017. Of these, 229 were released by review boards and 272 are under custody, he said
It also said the irregularities resulted in the NSA obtaining some call details it was not authorised to receive