Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Thursday said there has been "no discrimination or wrong identification" of beneficiaries under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) in Bihar
Move will lead to use of part of a stockpile of 30.57 million tonnes, which is almost 126% more than the buffer stock and strategic requirement norms
Changes in Food Security Act imperative
This includes loans from NSSF at Rs 1.36 trillion
The implementation of National Food Security Act has halved the monthly food grain expenses of 75 per cent of India's rural population
In 2015, India, along with other countries, signed the declaration on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Poor employment opportunities, low returns from farming and generally low levels of literacy are some of the many reasons why poverty and hunger are constant companions of many in rural India
There is a need to make the National Food Security Act more effective to meet the nutritional needs of the beneficiaries
Under NFSA, 75% of the population in rural areas and 50% in urban areas are to be provided rice at Rs 3 per kg, wheat at Rs 2 per kg
Urges states to plug lacunae in public distribution system
National Food Security Act mandates review of subsidised rate after three years from date of commencement, which is July 5 this year