Users have reduced by 0.6 million,1.82 million and 3.66 million in the three months since September
The number of mobile users has fallen twice in the past eight months now, latest fall concentrated in urban India
As the debate around regulating-or even banning-private cryptocurrency grows, it is important to know how big India's crypto market really is
An on-device survey of 2,500 Indian mobile users over Inmobi Pulse
According to IAMAI's 'Digital in India' report, India had 504 million active Internet users, who logged onto the web at least once in the last one month, at the end of November 2019
The gap is 3% lower than the previous year, driven largely by closure in the mobile internet gender gap in India
The state government has assured the telecom operators that it will address all their concerns such as power supply and right of way
It also found that India with a high percentage of millennials looked for the best deals, driven by discount and cashback