IPO-bound fintech firm MobiKwik on Friday said its total income jumped 80 per cent to Rs 540 crore in the financial year ended March 2022. The company had recorded a total income of Rs 302.3 crore in 2020-21. MobiKwik said its contribution margin rose to Rs 145 crore compared to Rs 30 crore in FY 2020-21 and posted an operational profit in the second half of 2021-22. "The most significant milestone was turning EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation) profitable in the second half, a rarity in the tech world which reflects our ethos of remaining at the forefront of fintech innovation, growing rapidly but with capital efficiency. "With business now self-sustaining and the momentum growing, we remain confident of not only achieving our short-term financial goals but also a long-term objective of transforming into a full-service neobank," MobiKwik co-founder Upasana Taku said in the statement. Currently, the firm generates revenue primarily from two ...
Out of 27 such IPOs, the offer of GoAir will be the first one to expire
This feature is designed to help ZIP users pay multiple bills such as electricity, water, gas, mobile, DTH, etc. automatically every month using the BNPL credit line
One Mobikwik Systems Ltd. is in talks with investors to raise as much as $100 million in equity to finance business expansion
Anshuman Misra will work with the product, design, engineering, infrastructure and security functions at MobiKwik
IPO-bound fintech firm Mobikwik became profitable in the December 2021 quarter and expects to close the current financial year with almost two times growth in revenue, a top company official has said
Fintech start-up turns profitable for the first time in December quarter on massive BNPL uptake
IPO-bound fintech firm Mobikwik is expecting to close the current financial year with 100 per cent revenue growth, a top company official said.
Planned smaller IPOs could have a harder time pricing shares if there is a reduced appetite for new listings
IPO was slated for November; source are now saying the company may go for a listing in 2022
Paytm shares gain 10% after sliding 37% in 2 days; MobiKwik to delay planned IPO, says CEO; Latent View Analytics lists at 169% premium
The event in a way will nudge people to be cautious and not take the market for granted by blindly placing bets, says a market expert
Indian payments firm MobiKwik has delayed its plans to proceed with an initial public offering (IPO) of shares this month, its CEO said
It will take three to four months for people to forget Paytm and that it destroyed wealth, says a founder of a brokerage house in Mumbai
The company has received markets regulator Sebi's approval to launch an initial public offering, through which it plans to raise up to Rs 1,900 crore.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has given its approval for the initial share sales of three companies, including SJS Enterprises and One Mobikwik Systems Ltd. Medical equipment maker Skanray Technologies Ltd has also received the nod from the watchdog for its initial public offering (IPO). The three companies have been issued observations by the watchdog, according to the update on the processing status of draft offer documents as on October 8. An observation letter is mandatory for an initial share sale. In Sebi parlance, the issuance of observations implies its go-ahead for the IPO. One Mobikwik Systems Ltd is a leading mobile wallet (MobiKwik Wallet) and Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) player in India. The company, which filed the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) for the IPO in July, plans to offer shares aggregating to Rs 1,900 crore. This will comprise raising Rs 1,500 crore through fresh issue of shares and Rs 400 crore-worth stocks will be offloaded through th
Rs 1,500 crore will be mopped up through fresh issue of shares
The firm currently has 22.3 mn pre-approved BNPL users and is handling over 4 mn such transactions a year. It is seeing 14x growth from a year ago
Fintech major MobiKwik, which has filed its draft red herring prospectus (DRHP), on Tuesday said the listing should provide a bountiful rewards to its employees through the ESOPs issued to them. The company, under its ESOP 2014 Scheme, has reserved 4.5 million equity shares for creating a pool of ESOPs for the benefit of the eligible employees. MobiKwik Chairperson, co-founder and COO Upasana Taku said the number of equity shares that would arise from the full exercise of options granted implies 7 per cent of the fully diluted outstanding shares. "This 7 per cent compares to less than 2 per cent holding for most other internet companies that are coming up for listing... Over the last decade, MobiKwik has grown on the strength of its employees to become a leading fintech player in India. As we cement our presence and leadership further, we wanted to acknowledge and reward our employees for their efforts," she added. The Gurgaon-based company - which has about 470 employees - had fil
MobiKwik on Friday said it has appointed former Blackstone MD Punita Kumar Sinha, diplomat Navdeep Singh Suri, and two others as independent directors