Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday launched a scheme on the lines of the MGNREGA to provide 100 days of employment to families in urban areas. Calling the launching of the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Scheme historic, Gehlot said any family that wants to increase their income at a time of high inflation could seek jobs under it. The scheme has been prepared after studying similar such programmes in other states, he added after launching the programme during a state-level event at Ambedkar Bhawan here. Ten women beneficiaries were presented job cards during the function. Under the scheme, projects on environment protection, water conservation, heritage conservation, maintenance of gardens, removal of encroachment, illegal sign boards, hoardings and banners, and sanitation will be undertaken. People in the 18 to 60 age group are eligible for the scheme, under which at least 50 people in each ward of urban local bodies will be given employment. To register for it, a .
The Rajasthan government is going to launch on Friday its ambitious scheme to provide 100 days of employment to needy families in urban areas on the lines of the MGNREGA. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot is scheduled launch the "Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Scheme" in the presence of Urban Development and Housing Minister Shanti Dhariwal, Food and Civil Supplies Minister Pratap Singh Khachariyawas, PHED Minister Mahesh Joshi, Agriculture Minister Lal Chand Kataria and Jaipur Heritage Municipal Corporation Mayor Munesh Gurjar. Local MLAs will also be present on the occasion. The state-level programme will be held near a tunnel on Agra Road, an official said. Ministers in-charge of districts will launch the scheme in their respective districts. More than 2.25 lakh families have already registered for the scheme announced by the chief minister in the state budget this year. Projects on environment protection, water conservation, heritage conservation, maintenance of gardens, removal of
The Centre has spent Rs 5 lakh crore on MGNREGA scheme during the past eight years, out of which 20 per cent was spent during the COVID-19 pandemic, Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said. Speaking to reports in Kamareddy district of Telangana on Thursday, she said the state was given Rs 20,000 crore under the the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme in the past eight years. "During the past eight years, Telangana received Rs 20,000 crore under MGNREGA. During the same period all over the country Rs 5 lakh crore has been spent, out of which more than 20 per cent was spent in 2020-21 during COVID-19 pandemic," she said replying to a query. The important issue in this is survey teams will come (to any state) if there are any complaints that the money was not spent accordingly or there are any remarks in the audit report. Referring to the allegations that survey teams are being sent to curtail the scheme, she said the survey teams will come to correc
In total, around 6.41 million works under individual land has been undertaken in 2021-22 financial year, of which Bihar leads the pack.
Seeking the addition of a default provision in e-governance system NREGASoft, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi
In the eastern states where monsoon is in deficit, work demand has also fallen barring Jharkhand, which has seen a 12.38% spike in households demanding work under MGNREGA in July
In June, India received almost 8 per cent below-normal rains. This jumped to 17 per cent above normal in July
Kerala has urged Centre to revoke its decision to limit simultaneous works under the MGNREGA scheme, saying it would create huge setback in the rural economy which was trying to recover from pandemic.
After a pandemic slump, consumer goods makers are banking on a good monsoon but erratic rain patterns make a sustained recovery open to question
Over 300 trucks, transporting essential items, were stranded for hours due to the economic blockade; all-important road was blocked near Mao Gate in Senapati district, throwing traffic out of gear
Besides, the cabinet gave its approval to the proposal of giving additional Rs 27 as MGNREGS wage. With this, an MGNREGA worker in Jharkhand will get Rs 237 as minimum wage.
BJP national vice-president Dilip Ghosh claimed that Patil may not know about corruption in the implementation of MGNREGA as central government officers are not doing their jobs properly
Union Minister Kapil Moreshwar Patil on Wednesday rubbished the TMC's allegation of 'non-release' of MGNREGA funds by the Centre to West Bengal and said there were complaints against some states
Criticising Modi for describing the MGNREGA as one of the "living monuments of the failures" of the Congress-led UPA, he said the PM had not understood the depth of the mass employment scheme
Amid rising cost of living and decreasing job opportunities, people in rural India are falling back on MGNREGA to earn their daily bread. Our next report tells more about this flagship scheme of govt
What should borrowers & depositors do amid rising interest rates? Can India have a four-day work week like UK? Can a good monsoon prevent more rate hikes? What is the MGNREGA scheme? All answers here
The urban population is more educated and generally has a different set of job preferences than the rural
The figure is also much higher than the corresponding pre-Covid period, data shows
The Rs 6.15 lakh crore budget for 2022-23 -- up from Rs 5.5 lakh crore last year --- sets aside Rs 39,000 crore for welfare schemes, the government said.
A council advising the Prime Minister recommends securing employment for the urban poor.