Lok Sabha member Rajesh Ranjan quipped sarcastically that Kejriwal had introduced the scheme to gain "cheap publicity"
The PM, taken back by the CJI's impassioned appeal for expediting the process, given its complexity, could not have done more than merely assure all
In public sector banks, officers aren't allowed to resign, except on medical grounds
The author aptly observes that "India is forever in election mode because there is always an election to be held, somewhere or other, in one or more of its 29 states"
The editorial, "Maximum governance", is absolutely correct when it says in the final paragraph that "the use of technology and improved techniques of security management should have received greater attention to bring the runaway increase in headcount in these two ministries under some check
With reference to the article, "Analysing India's demographic bomb" by Saurabh Mukherjea and Ritika Mankar-Mukherjee, India certainly has an advantage over other countries, including China
Three major earthquakes in Japan in quick succession and one in Ecuador soon after measured above 7 on the Richter scale that caused extensive devastation and loss of lives
Let the bid to get back the Koh-i-Noor not be turned into another nationalistic issue by the BJP and the Sangh Parivar to divert the country's attention from pressing needs
If the slack in private investment is sought to be overcome by bank financing, we are sowing the seeds of another NPA rash
Mumbai loses 900million litres of water every day because of leaky pipelines and a lack of planned asset management
First, India has gained international recognition by adopting an open market policy to compete effectively in the global market
As a starting point, we need a comprehensive status report and a study to identify the benefits of sanitation and wastewater management
In India, public opinion is largely managed by the political leadership and the media
PSBs are not keen to avail of liquidity through the open market operations window, as they are already overweight in govt securities through the SLR requirement
In all fairness, the airline continues to be run "for any by" politicians and bureaucrats
The company should not target users who drive Audis or BMWs, but those who drive cars priced at Rs 10-15 lakh to make a real impact in this electric car segment
The government should take stringent action against this unfair trade practice by some airlines, else more carriers would follow suit
The article referenced above should be translated in English, Hindi and other vernacular languages and mailed to all railway station masters
Leaders of political parties in the states have not yet realised that the public is no longer carried away by ads
Mahalanobis joined the Planning Commission in 1955 and was instrumental in formulating the Second Plan (1956-61)