With reference to "PuPuP: public-public partnership" (June 6), a public-public partnership is simply a collaboration between two or more public entities to provide or improve public services. Unlike PPPs (public-private partnerships), neither partner in a PuPuP expects to earn a profit from the collaboration. The goal is to improve efficiency and equity. PuPuPs employ basic strategies to leverage the capacity of cooperating public utilities to increase efficiency and reduce operating and capital costs. The failure of PPPs in India is the absence of a regulatory environment and lack of comprehensive database about the projects to be awarded under such schemes. Besides, inadequate provision of details of land acquisition and forest clearances is also a bottleneck in these projects. The private sector is dependent on commercial banks to raise debt for PPP projects. With commercial banks reaching the sectoral exposure limits and large Indian infrastructure companies being highly leveraged,
With reference to "Sportsman and symbol" (June 6), reams have been written in praise of the legendary Muhammad Ali, a measure of what he meant to his admirers worldwide
The government's decision to impose Krishi Kalyan cess on services in order to help agriculture and farmers is welcome, although it has been met with ambivalence across the country
With reference to the report, "Government unhappy with public sector banks' recovery record" (June 4), the message sent to the banks just before the meeting of PSBs called by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on June 6 looks ritualistic
In the column, "Ivy League in Gurgaon" (May 31), Anjuli Bhargava has rightly raised a red flag about the propensity of "education providers" - perhaps the biggest money-makers after self-proclaimed gurus - to make tall, unsubstantiated claims about their facilities and faculty.The advertiser in question has likely surpassed others in its sheer audacity making claims that are nothing short of ridiculous. Admittedly, the particular group of institutes has done a great job of creating infrastructure, especially in Noida, and its alumni have also found decent placements. But it seems it got carried away by its success while designing the particular advertisement.There should be a mechanism in place to check the veracity of such claims. False claims in the education sector, if proved, amounts to criminality.The big question: Who will carry out the verification and certification? University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education, state-supported outfits or a new, indepe
Vijay Shekhar Sharma, this man from the interiors of Aligarh is scripting the path to a better financial system
Govt has tried its best to push critical Bills - including the most important, Goods and Services Tax Bill - but has not succeeded due to the obstructionist attitude of the Congress
Of the 235 PSUs operational at present, about 25 per cent suffered a loss of Rs 27,360 crore in 2014-15
There isn't much rationale to presume that politicians and bureaucrats sitting in New Delhi can come up with a template that can work equally well across this vast and diverse country
There is a major point, not mentioned by the writer, on which the anti-Nehru campaign of the present regime is based - the assumption of Nehru as the one who introduced dynastic politics in India
Barring some chains offering a 10 per cent discount to senior citizens, none of this is passed on to customers
At least the country is now focusing on the medical education system that was drifting at the hands of private institutions with vested interests
That the Narendra Modi government has completed two years without a scam or corruption scandal is probably its biggest achievement
Bogota and Curitiba (Brazil) have among the world's best urban transport systems, and can offer a lesson to cities in India
Each of Modi's foreign trips is a calculated move: each of them has an agenda and usually, he is able to tick off all the items on the list
Modi introduced a number of social welfare schemes for the poor such as the Jan-Dhan Yojana, distribution of free gas cylinders to the poor and crop insurance schemes for farmers
In the article, "This minister hasn't been up to the job", T NC Rajagopalan says the commerce and industry minister presided over the 17 months of decline in export growth
Apropos the article, "This minister hasn't been up to the job" (May 23) by T N C Rajagopalan, vital facts have probably escaped his attention
A massive campaign including announcements on platforms for convincing guests who accompany passengers to buy platform tickets via mobile/payments banks is the need of the hour
The collection and transportation of garbage is exactly the reverse of industrial supply chain management, with a zero stocking policy