Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Tuesday said the number of pending cases across various courts could touch the five crore mark in a couple of months. Expressing concern over the issue of pendency, he said while such cases are likely to come down in the Supreme Court and high courts, the "real challenge" is in the lower courts. Addressing an event at the Delhi High Court in the presence of Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud, the minister said the number of pending cases is inching towards the five crore mark and flagged the issue of inadequate infrastructure in lower courts. Till a few months back, the pending cases were estimated at 4.83 crores. "I try to analyse about the bottleneck when we take the numbers. It is inching towards the five crore pendency. It is a matter of great concern," he said. Rijiju said he has to reply on the pendency issue in Parliament and elsewhere. "It is really difficult for me to answer ... it is about to reach five crore. At the present rate, maybe
The Supreme Court on Monday took strong exception to Law Minister Kiren Rijiju's recent comment on the collegium system of appointing judges, saying it should not have happened
Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Saturday disapproved of protests by certain lawyer bodies against the recommendations of the Supreme Court Collegium to transfer some high court judges. Addressing an event here to felicitate newly appointed Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud, he said if strikes become a recurring phenomenon for every decision taken by the collegium, "then where will it lead to". Bar bodies of Gujarat, Telangana and Madras high courts have protested the decision of the collegium to transfer some judges. "Yesterday, I heard some of the lawyers want to meet the chief justice of India for transfer case. Now the issue may be, if you look from isolation, it may be one of the issues. But if this becomes a recurring instance for every decision taken by the collegium, on which it is being supported by the government, then where will it lead to. Then the whole dimension will change," Rijiju said.
The registration process for CLAT 2023 is still underway. CLAT 2023 is scheduled to be conducted on December 18, 2022
Experts feel Sebi diktat may deter those with non-financial background from joining boards
Solicitor General Tushar Mehta on Friday urged the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to work together to eliminate the threat of transnational economic crimes by enhancing mutual trust, understanding, cooperation and communication, the Union Law Ministry said. Mehta and additional secretary (legal affairs) in the law ministry Anju Rathi Rana led the Indian delegation at the 20th meeting of Prosecutors General of SCO member states on Friday in Astana, Kazakhstan. In a statement, the law ministry said the 20th meeting of Prosecutors General was also attended by Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan Asylov B N, Prosecutor of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China Zhang Jun, Prosecutor General of the Kyrgyz Republic Zulushev K T, Additional Attorney-General of Pakistan Rashdeen Nawaz Kasuri, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Krasnov I V, Prosecutor General of Tajikistan Rakhmon Yu A, Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan Yuldashev N T and SCO Secretary ..
Judiciary, legislature and executive face unique challenges but they will have to work together to solve the problems of a vast country like India, Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said
Justice Ramana, who is set to demit office on August 26 on superannuation, on Wednesday received a communication from the Minister of Law and Justice to nominate his successor
Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana, who is set to demit office on August 26 on superannuation, on Wednesday received a communication from the Law and Justice Minister to nominate his successor.
Law Minister says matter on setting up regional branches of Supreme Court is currently sub-judice
Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju said regional and local languages should be promoted in proceedings at lower and high courts, while arguments and judgments in the Supreme Court can happen in English
Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Saturday said the speed at which the number of pending cases is rising in various courts of the country is a matter of concern.
The Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Amendment Act, 1986 augmented the strength of the Supreme Court judges from 17 to 25, excluding the CJI
'Congress is not the party that it was. We don't have a transformative and inspiring leadership to lead the party,' says Kumar
Meeting allegedly raises questions of propriety and was held despite creating a flutter in the commission about the ministry's note.
Senior Indian Legal Service officer Reeta Vasishta has been appointed as the new legislative secretary in the Law Ministry. Vasishta was so far an additional secretary in the Legislative Department of the ministry and she assumed her new responsibility on Monday. The post of legislative secretary was lying vacant since early May following the death of G Narayan Raju due to COVID-19. Following Raju's demise, Law Secretary Anup Mendiratta was holding the additional charge of the legislative department. Considered the top draftsperson of the government, the legislative secretary is responsible for drafting and clearing key legislative proposals before they are introduced in Parliament. "Hearty congratulations to Dr Reeta Vasishta on being appointed as Secretary, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law & Justice, Govt of India. My best wishes to her, and looking forward to work together as a team," Law Minister Kiren Rijiju tweeted.
The number of days it takes in trial and judgment of commercial disputes has come down significantly in Delhi and Mumbai
Justice Ravi Vijaykumar Malimath was on Monday appointed as the acting chief justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court, the Law Ministry said
All websites of the high courts now have captchas that are accessible to people with disabilities, the law ministry said on Sunday.
The law minister also touched upon Twitter's decision to flag the tweets of some Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as 'manipulated media'.