Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Tuesday met BJP leader L K Advani and greeted him on his 95th birthday. Dhankhar's spouse Sudesh accompanied him to Advani's residence to convey birthday wishes, the Vice President Secretariat tweeted. Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior BJP leaders greeted Advani, considered the architect of the party's rise as a major national force. After visiting Advani, Modi tweeted, "His contribution to India's growth is monumental. He is respected all across India for his vision and intellect. His role in building and strengthening the BJP is unparalleled. I pray for his long and healthy life".
From land acquisition to GST to Agnipath, the Prime Minister seems to put outcome ahead of the process
The BJP will find it extremely difficult to calibrate the utterances of its loudmouths so as not to hurt Muslim sentiment and maintain good relations with the Muslim world
Former deputy prime minister and BJP's longest-serving president L K Advani turned 94 on Monday
Vinay Sitapati's latest book establishes the fact that Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Lal Krishna Advani created the groundwork for Narendra Modi to thrive
Modi and Shah's BJP doesn't need the NDA anymore. Advani's experiment is over, used and discarded
A court has acquitted all 32 accused, including former deputy prime minister Lal Krishna Advani, in the demolition of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya in December 1992
The 1992 Babri Masjid demolition had cost around 3,000 lives and changed the country's political landscape. Stay tuned for Babri Masjid demolition verdict LIVE updates
Ironically, though the political career of the three charged with conspiracy, rested on the destruction of the Babri Masjid, all three are in the twilight of their political innings
Babri Masjid plaintiff, Iqbal Ansari, has urged the special CBI court hearing the demolition case, to acquit all accused in the case
A bench of the apex court, headed by Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman, had on August 19 passed an order extending the deadline for pronouncing the judgement till September 30
On Thursday, the court had recorded the statement of BJP veteran Murli Manohar Joshi in the case
Coronavirus has occasioned us to see how copious Mr Modi's mojo bag is
The fate of the disciplinary action committee is the same as BJP's margadarshak mandal
"Although Arunji was hospitalised for the last couple of weeks, we were all hoping that he would recover soon," Advani said
Ethics Committee examines every complaint relating to unethical conduct of a member referred to it
BJP leaders in the Lok Sabha were caught on the back foot when they found themselves the target of an attack from quarters they least expected
With the help of the police, the fire was doused within a few minutes
Senior BJP leader says he got to learn about devotion and dedication towards country through RSS
The party veteran's impact on Indian politics is immense, Narendra Modi said