Forging company Kalyani Forge on Friday said its Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Laxmi Narayan Patra has resigned. His resignation is effective from April 6, 2023. "CFO Laxmi Narayan Patra has tendered his resignation due to personal reasons," the company said in a regulatory filing. Kalyani Forge is an engineering company with an expertise in metal forming. It makes forged, machined and assembled products for customers in industries like automotive, construction, power generation, marine, railway, and industrial goods.
KRAS is a joint venture set up by Israeli company, Rafael, in partnership with Kalyani Strategic Systems
Baba Kalyani, promoter of Kalyani Group, has settled a case of alleged violation of SAST (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) norms in the matter of Bharat Forge Ltd (BFL) with markets regulator Sebi on a payment of Rs 3 lakh. Bharat Forge Ltd is a subsidiary of Kalyani Group. The settlement came after Babasaheb Neelkanth Kalyani proposed to settle the pending proceedings through a settlement order "without admitting or denying the findings". "The proceedings that may have been initiated for the alleged violations ... are settled qua the applicants," Sebi said in its settlement order passed on Thursday. The regulator further said that it will not initiate enforcement action against the applicants for the said violations. As per the order, Kalyani is a promoter of BFL and has submitted that Kalyani Export and Investment, Aboli Investment and Wathar Investment and Trading Company had qualified as part of the promoter group of BFL under ICDR (Issue of Capital and Disclos
Bharat Forge has been consolidating its defence and aerospace business under Kalyani Strategic Systems with an aim to target export opportunities in the defence sector
Items include light-weight tanks, self-healing minefields, "plug-and-play housing" for soldiers at extreme altitudes, 127 mm naval gun, multi-role helicopter, among others
The company had posted a consolidated net profit of Rs 212.12 crore in the same period of the preceding fiscal, Bharat Forge
Indoor operations at AIIMS, Kalyani in West Bengal's Nadia district are likely to begin from September this year, a senior official of the medical establishment said on Tuesday.
That is significantly higher indigenisation than the 50 per cent required for "Make in India" projects
It has been learnt that the two types of gun systems - both designed and developed by Kalyani Group - are being sent later this year to Saudi Arabia for trial evaluation
KSSL is the defence arm of Pune-based Kalyani group and Arsenal is a joint stock company from Bulgaria
Group CMD Baba N Kalyani said the firm had held a series of discussions with the Uttar Pradesh government and signed a memorandum of understanding in this regard
Can't match us in products like gun barrels: Baba Kalyani