The 14th edition of the Jaipur Literature Festival 2021, will open on Friday on its brand new virtual platform
The search and survey operation was carried out on January 21 at a total of 31 premises of these entities
Cotton seed oil cake is trading at Rs 1,900 per quintal at the benchmark Akola market; The barley price in Jaipur is trading at Rs 1,431 per quintal
Zubrzycki's recent history is familiar ground for anyone with a passing interest in princely affairs but is, nevertheless, compelling
The Jaipur Metro is likely to resume its operations from the third week of September, after a gap of nearly six months in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, an official said
A total of 18,388 people have arrived in Jaipur till now from abroad under the Vande Bharat Mission, Additional Chief Secretary Subodh Agarwal said
They said the department initiated action on the basis of inputs of huge cash transactions taking place and the business group's alleged links to these transactions
The CEO said there is no limit as to how many people can attend a meeting in a session as it will depend on the bandwidth and hosting facility available with the user
The world-class green stadium shall have modern grand pavilion stands, corporate boxes, plush sports field, modern club house, says RCA secretary
The sector was trying to emerge from the aftereffects of the implementation of GST when the pandemic struck
Only half of the transport office will be allowed to open with 33 per cent of the staff
Out of the 77 death in Rajasthan, 44 are from Jaipur and 11 are from Jodhpur. This is 71 per cent of the total deaths in the state
Out of the total number of Covid-19 positive cases in the State, Jaipur has reported the maximum number of cases standing at 22.
High population density, coupled with poor sanitation facilities, in all the five cities could be a reason for the rampant spreading of the virus
The serial blasts rocked Jaipur on the evening of May 13, 2008 within a two-kilometre radius in the walled city, popular also with tourists.
Arguments on quantum of punishment will take place on Thursday
Jaipur and Surat are projected to record real GDP growth of 8.7% & 10.3% resp. during 2015-20
The newly launched Nila House in Jaipur offers safe haven to India's staggering but struggling textile traditions
Hipster festivals, contemporary art spaces, chic boutiques and cafes have aided Jaipur's transformation
It is much easier to plan utilities and infrastructure upgrades virtually than it is with two-dimensional (2D) drawing