IT services company Tech Mahindra on Friday said it will invest up to Rs 700 crore in the newly carved out division of products and platforms in the next two years. The Mahindra group company is already present in the products and platforms business with its acquisition of the telecom sector-focused Comviva and other offerings which are delivering an annual revenue run rate of USD 450 million, company's chief executive and managing director C P Gurnani said. In the next two-three years, we are aiming to take the revenue from products and platforms to USD 1 billion, he told PTI in a virtual interaction in Pune after making the announcement about the new division at 'investor day'. The investment in the new division, to be led by Gurugram-headquartered Comviva's team, will be Rs 500-700 crore over the next two-and-half years, Gurnani said. The Comviva team, which also has presence in Bhubaneswar and Bengaluru, has been tasked with leading the entire products and platforms play,he ...
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The estimated 0.7 million additional jobs created by listed companies may easily more than offset the recent layoffs seen in tech companies
'Ups and downs' in global economy will not impact Indian industry for long, he says
It is not just Meta which is looking at becoming capital efficient. Alphabet, the parent company of Google and Microsoft have already sent messages that focus will be on increasing productivity
Several companies, the report claims, have introduced higher variable pay and employee engagement budgets while cutting down the internet allowance to make employees return to the office
Companies looking for candidates with digital skills and engineering graduates from smaller cities
'If one looks at the data from the top-10 IT companies for the December quarter announced recently, attrition levels seem to be plateauing if not trending down'
The top-five digital skill domains in demand in September-November 2021 are Testing, Platform Technologies, Java, Cloud Infra, and Data Analytics
TCS, Infosys ramp up onshore hiring; Infosys committed to hire 25,000 over 5 yrs
More than 20 selections for international profiles have been confirmed up to now
Want cash dole for poor, I-T cut to create demand
Besides slow growth in BFSI and retail verticals, deal conversion is taking time and may impact revenues and stock valuations
Around 85,000 employees added on net basis, highest in six years
Industry focus for fresh hires is mostly on niche skills around new digital tools and services
About salary of freshers not growing in IT sector in past 20 yrs, Pai termed it as a 'great tragedy'
Despite the threat of automation, the industry will continue to be an important driver of growth